Understand how buyers in your accounts and markets make purchase decisions.


Intimately knowing your buyers needs and how they buy will allow you to capture more value from the market. This also enables you to sell your solution at your desired price and to differentiate your offerings from those of the competition.


1. You have researched the evaluation criteria your buyers use when making a purchasing decision.

2. You have researched your buyers and understand the unaided and aided brand awareness in your addressable market as compared to your competitors.

3. When your buyers do not purchase your products, you research and understand what their stated reasons are.

4. The decision to buy your product or service is made by a consolidated, central buying decision team (BDT).

5. Your customer’s buying process varies in length by market segment, customer profile, buyer persona, product, and/or sales channel.

6. You know which channels your customers prefer to buy your products through and why they prefer to buy that way.

7. Your value propositions have been validated by your customers.

8. You conduct win/loss calls to understand which competitors you win/lose to and why.

9. You monitor buyer behavior through your Customer Success team and know which customer types routinely repeat the purchasing of your products.

10. You have designed an end-to-end customer experience from pre-sale to post-sale that aligns with your brand promise.


• Buyer Personas

• Buyer Touchpoint Analysis

• Buyer Process Maps