direct marketing strategies

direct marketing strategies

2. Direct marketing • Direct marketing is one of the best ways to approach customesr or clients and improve your business making new contacts or selling your products. • Also this strategy is very common when looking for maximize brand awareness


3. Direct marketing Direct marketng Loyalty cards Guerrilla marketing ClothingMailing Gadgets
4. Strategies 1. Loyalty Card • Very common for retailing. • This cards are similiar to credit cards that identifies the holder as a part o user in loyalty program. • They usually have codes, chips or proximity cards to be scanned.
5. Strategies 2. Guerrilla marketing • Used for small businesses with small budgets • It is based on creativity and calling for the attention of clients in a memorable way. • Actions stand out as being unconventional
6. Strategies 3. Clothing • Another one considered as one of the most popular ways to reach and engage clients. • Companies or brands design their own clothes or put their logo on them.
7. Strategies 4. Mailing • Direct marketing strategy that chases conversions and measurable results. • It consists on contacting people via e-mail, sending them special offers linked to landing pages desgined to generate sales or new contacts.
8. Strategies 5. Coupons • Another direct marketing strategy looking for conversions. • This is one of the most influentional tools. • It also allows to measure results
9. Strategies 6. Promotional gadgets • This increments the oportunity to see the name or logo of a company daily. • They are useful so people uses them constantly • It also helps position of a brand or company on top of mind of clients
10. Promotional gadgets If you’re considering on implement a direct marketing strategy based on promotional gadgets, there are some companies that manufacture custom pen drives, which are the most popular effective gadgets on market.

11.Direct selling- Direct selling is an effective way to grow a flexible, low-cost business. Direct selling involves an independent salesperson selling products or services directly to customers, often at a customer’s home or workplace. Traditional direct selling methods include door-to-door sales, party plans and network marketing.

How We Can Help
Whether it’s direct mail, display advertising, email marketing, catalogs, publicity, newsletters, trade shows, commercials, the Internet, or one of the other thousands of ways to use direct response marketing, you and your business will love your marketing ROI when it’s properly executed.

It all starts with identifying the best marketing message, sending it to the right target markets, then using direct marketing strategies that produce the best results. That’s where we come in.

We specialize in identifying the best strategies, crafting compelling marketing campaigns and helping you implement them for powerful results!

Our target and direct marketing strategies will help you to:
Reduce lead generation costs.
Convert leads into sales.
Eliminate profit-killing price discounts.
Earn the business of quality clients who advocate your business.
Improve your client relationships.
Get profitable and repeat sales.