marketing Supplier in Malad


WHAT IS FIELD MARKETING? Field marketing and marketing Supplier in Malad is becoming more popular for companies in various industries. From food and beverage to consumer goods. It’s a tool that can be used to showcase latest products or services in a face to face environment with consumers. Furthermore companies recognise the importance of having brand ambassadors and reps on the ‘front line’ introducing the public to new innovations or delicious treats. This is done in the ‘field’; around shopping centers and in retail hot spots, expos and events, university campus’ and sport stadiums to name a few. Most campaign activities focus on customer facing roles including product demonstrations, direct selling and street training teams. However not all field marketing is consumer facing such as auditing and merchandising. Goals and outcomes of field marketing will differ from company to company. Some campaigns are designed to increase brand awareness or sales. While others may be to collect data and feedback about the product and its market. At Splatter we have all the tools necessary for the clients desired outcome to be achieved WHAT A FIELD MARKETING TEAM LOOKS LIKE. For successful field marketing campaigns companies might have dedicated teams within their business whose task it is to be creative and manage field marketing initiatives. However agencies are also on hand to support a campaign. By offering staff, management and infrastructure the client can focus on the more creative aspect of the campaign. A field marketing agency and  marketing Supplier in Malad tends to work in territories operating with reps within their own regions. Often overlooked by regional or national managers depending on the scale of the team. Although territory management is more important for wide scale national distributing business, smaller brands are recognising the importance of managing promotions on a more local scale using teams to promote, audit and sell in their regions.



As mentioned already, demo days are a popular tool of field marketing. These campaigns can stretch from as little as one week to 6 months however some are continuous and full time. For consumer goods this would mean having brand representatives in retail stores and around shopping centers, events or road shows. Finally The Brand Ambassadors are engaging with the consumer and showing them how the product or service works. This is important as it allows a potential buyer to get hands on experience and a feel of ownership of the product; most importantly the rep is also on hand to answers any questions the customer may have. Although a sell is great the main aim of a demo campaign is brand awareness. Food and beverage take a slightly differently approach. By handing out free samples and one off deals of their product around retail and events, consumers are getting a taste of the brands latest delicious treats and at the same time everyone loves free food! Sampling is a fun activation and is effective when bringing new products to the high street. Marketing Training Learn more about product demonstrations by checking out our in depth guide here.


Much like product demonstrations these campaigns have brand reps or ambassadors at the center of them. The difference is it’s more about the selling of the product. Sales rep might have targets to adhere to. Finally these campaigns are super effective during peak times when the difference in a sale or not can be having a knowledgeable brand rep in store. Product Demonstrations Learn more about what direct selling is in our guide here.


Auditing takes the reps out off the front line and away from the consumer. Auditing teams are used by marketers to monitor traditional marketing strategies that they put in place across retail. Most of all audits ensure that the brand is represented as it should be on shelves and around retail hot spots. Examples are; checking POS is as it should be across the territories, promotions advertised and running and paid spaces such as gondolas are set up. The data collected from the teams can be useful for the marketers to negotiate better future deals. In addition it also allows for mistakes to be rectified there and then by the reps. Splatter offer a live system that can be monitored by the client in real team meaning that red flags in the field can be dealt with instantaneously .Store Audits and Merchandising To learn more about Audits and merchandising view our guide here.


When it comes to guerrilla marketing the gloves are off. They are usually low budget campaigns but with the right imagination and ideas they offer up some unprecedented results. Furthermore the term ‘Guerrilla Marketing’ itself is used to refer to campaigns that surprise consumers in locations and ways they might not usually expect. For that reason the experience remains with the consumer.


Product Sampling To learn more about sampling work and what that involves view our guide here. WHO DOES WHAT? FIELD MARKETING REP: These guys and girls are the cream of the crop, they are masters of everything. Sometimes they may be conducting training sessions on major proportion for a retailers whole selling team. Another role they find themselves in are in is in the field collecting data and conducted audits. Finally everything in between including sales, merchandising, and working at events. Their primary concern is to drive brand awareness across their region through face to face with consumer and staff on a retail level. Read about what being a field marketing rep is all about here. FIELD MARKETING MANAGER: The field manager’s role is to oversee the field reps; it is their duty to ensure the field marketing campaigns achieves the clients intended goal. As the manager of all the region, they hold the responsibility of ensuring that all reps are trained and directed towards the client’s goals. In addition the field marketing manager will work closely with the clients marketing executives to align the marketing objectives and goals with team in the field. Finally they will then report the findings and feedback from the team. Read more about what being a field marketing manager entails here. BRAND AMBASSADOR/BRAND REP As we know by now the BA role is one of the most crucial in field marketing. Ultimately they are usually supplied by the marketing agency and are tasked with promoting and representing the client’s brand. This can work well within a University by hiring a student to represent the brand around campus; this is perfect for low budget campaigns as sometimes all it takes is giving the BA some products to show off. Some larger scale business’ use celebrities to endorse their product and services by making them the face of their brand using social media to promote to their following. Learn about the various roles within the Field Marketing industry are by reading our guide here. You can also join our team by signing up here. DO YOU NEED FIELD MARKETING? Field marketing as you have seen is a useful tool to accompany other traditional marketing strategies. For example a company might pay a huge amount of money for prime advertising spot during a major sports event. However if this is the case it is important for the brand to follow up with demos in stores. If there is a brand rep placed in store the following few days after the advertising campaign the customer is more likely to come over and ask some questions about the product. Another reason you might need field marketing is to ensure your budget has been well spent. After investing into a large scale in-store promotion campaign you want to ensure that it is implemented to the standard agreed with the retailer. Data can be collected by auditing teams and analysed to see if the money had been well spent. Furthermore it also gives opportunity for future campaigns to implemented with higher efficiency and success.      

marketing Supplier in Malad

Value Great Brand Name

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Does Your Name Matter? Yes, It Does.

New, or soon to be reimagined, companies large and small go through major machinations trying to find that special brand name. The name they choose and how they do it is one of the most important marketing decisions they will make. Need examples? Edsel didn’t work for Ford. AirTran Airways = seriously boring. New Coke… well, we knew (didn’t we) that the addition of ‘New’ would screw up all the things we loved about ‘Old’ Coke.

Kryptonite bike locks and Repel insect repellent tell us exactly what these brands do and, importantly, make a promise. Very efficient.

Some names simply, um, suck. Edsel didn’t work for Ford. AirTran Airways = seriously boring. New Coke… well, we knew (didn’t we) that the addition of ‘New’ would screw up all the things we loved about ‘Old’ Coke.

During my advertising and marketing career, I’ve named numerous companies and brands. I worked for three ad agencies with uniques names. Two were “founder” agencies: Dancer Fitzgerald Sample (remember “Where’s the beef?”) and Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising Worldwide. My own Portland agency had a “current usage” name: Citrus. I also named the two Internet companies i founded. New Jersey Online was one of the first large-scale online newspapers. It spanned the state ActiveBuddy was a computer bot that allowed people to have natural language conversations with computers using AOL, Microsoft and Yahoo! Instant Messaging systems.

Types Of Company Names

I recently asked one of my advertising agency clients how they selected Milk as their agency name. They said that they went through a fairly random process with the goal of finding a name that was easy to remember, was different and was available in some form as a URL. Well, ‘random’is one way to do it. Another is to apply process.

Before I begin to riff on how to name a company, I feel the need to list some of the crazier ad agency names. It is interesting to see how sophisticated marketing communications companies name themselves. Many are clearly looking for that oh so special and very cute name. Here you go:

A Few Words On Naming

Powerful product and service names add significant value to branding, marketing and business development programs. Powerful brand names are often the most efficient method in creating market differentiation, telegraphing a brand’s positioning, its uniqueness and act as a tool in building a strong customer to brand connection.

  • The right brand names add value: for the consumer, employees and corporate valuation.
  • Brand names position the product or service in the minds of the prospect.
  • Brand names create differentiation.
  • Brand names telegraph service quality and trust. In the case of agencies… creativity.
  • Some brand names have visual appeal.
  • Brand names can create an emotional connection.
  • A great brand name communicates brand-related messages to the consumer with far less marketing effort.
  • Good brand names are easier to remember than bad brand names.
  • Make it easy. Search consultants need all the help they can get.

Having a brand name that does none of the above is a wasted opportunity.

How do we know this?

Much of it is intuitive. It is my view that a memorable and communicative brand name simply makes sense. That having a name that is suggestive and supportive of service or product attributes helps to drive differentiation. That having a strong brand name that actually sinks into our skulls is a good thing. Think of brand names as people: Vladimir conjures up very different imagery than Simon or Jacques or Manny. It works for products and services too. Vladimir Vodka I get. Manny Vodka just doesn’t cut it.

5 Essential Types Of Brand Names

1. Neologisims

A neologism, or new word, is just what you would expect it to be – a word that is created.

Pros: New inventive products can make the new name synonymous with their product (XEROX, Kleenex, Microsoft, eTrade), they are distinctive and are globally friendly. No legal or copyright issues.

Cons: Neologisms have no meaning and initially take more marketing power to become recognized, there is a missed opportunity to position the service by its name’s meaning, there can be spelling and pronunciation errors. It is occasionally difficult to get corporate committees to agree on a neologism – decision-making is subjective.

2. Current Usage Words

Current Usage Words already have meaning. Brands with Current Usage names include Oracle, Sprint, Apple, Tide and Fidelity.

Pros: Current Usage Names telegraph Brand values (Apple is friendly), tap the name’s inherent attributes (Sprint is fast), can quickly trigger positive imagery (Tide is fresh and clean) and communicate service messages with less marketing spending.

Cons: Marketers must make sure that Current Usage Names accurately reflect the Brand’s image and do not raise a negative or confusing response. There may be trademark hurdles. An additional issue can arise when a company decides to change positioning or add new products that might not be consistent with the existing name.

3. Hybrids

Hybrids combine Current Usage Words and Neologisms. I am currently typing on a ThinkPad laptop and I brushed my teeth with AquaFresh. I just played with a PlayStation. Made some money using eTRADE

Pros: Hybrids are similar to Current Usage Names in that they quickly communicate a brand message. In addition, the combination can build on the power of the two-word combination. Finally, Hybrids reduce the issues associated with copyrighting the name.

Cons: The cons are similar to those of Current Usage Names.

4. Acronyms    

Acronyms are letter combinations that generally reflect a multiple word name. In many cases, the Acronym has taken the place of the original name (IBM was for the older generation a company called International Business Machines).

Many Acronyms have traditionally been in heavy use by technology and engineering firms because of their functional origin (GE, AT&T, CBS).

Pros: Acronyms can be distinctive and have few legal issues.

Cons: Acronyms require marketing to make them memorable, they have little inherent meaning and since they essentially say nothing about the Brand, they add little value to the customer branding experience. They can also be hard to remember.

5. Founder Names

Founder names abound across many service and product categories. Ford, Sony, Chase, Jensen, and Schwab all are names of company founders. Many brands that want to engender trust, for example in the financial services category, use Founder Names.

Pros: Using the Founder’s name adds direct personal credibility. In a case where the founder is already well known, the Founder name comes with immediate recognition and value as in the case of Martha Stewart Living Magazine.

Cons: In most cases using a Founder name requires significant marketing expenditures to seed the name. Founder Names do not add much initial value.

So, What’s In A Name?

Well, your company name might not be the primary reason that people use your products or services. But, your name can telegraph your brand positioning (and, therefore, help your marketing be more efficient); can tell a story; enliven your personality; help you stand out from the competition; add value to your company. And, best of all: great brands can charge more. Hmmm… these are all good things.

How To?

If you want to move forward in developing a new name, I suggest you take a look at a blog post I did for advertising agencies and what process they should use to make it happen — strategically.

Direct Response promotional, Door To Door Marketing Solutions, Door To Door Marketing Solutions, Door To Door Marketing Solutions in pune, home to home sales, Market promotional events, Rural advertisement activation, , campus experiential marketing, RWA experiential marketing, Market experiential marketing, marketing Supplier in Malad


marketing Recruiters in Mulund


WHAT IS FIELD MARKETING? Field marketing and marketing Recruiters in Mulund is becoming more popular for companies in various industries. From food and beverage to consumer goods. It’s a tool that can be used to showcase latest products or services in a face to face environment with consumers. Furthermore companies recognise the importance of having brand ambassadors and reps on the ‘front line’ introducing the public to new innovations or delicious treats. This is done in the ‘field’; around shopping centers and in retail hot spots, expos and events, university campus’ and sport stadiums to name a few. Most campaign activities focus on customer facing roles including product demonstrations, direct selling and street training teams. However not all field marketing is consumer facing such as auditing and merchandising. Goals and outcomes of field marketing will differ from company to company. Some campaigns are designed to increase brand awareness or sales. While others may be to collect data and feedback about the product and its market. At Splatter we have all the tools necessary for the clients desired outcome to be achieved WHAT A FIELD MARKETING TEAM LOOKS LIKE. For successful field marketing campaigns companies might have dedicated teams within their business whose task it is to be creative and manage field marketing initiatives. However agencies are also on hand to support a campaign. By offering staff, management and infrastructure the client can focus on the more creative aspect of the campaign. A field marketing agency and  marketing Recruiters in Mulund tends to work in territories operating with reps within their own regions. Often overlooked by regional or national managers depending on the scale of the team. Although territory management is more important for wide scale national distributing business, smaller brands are recognising the importance of managing promotions on a more local scale using teams to promote, audit and sell in their regions.



As mentioned already, demo days are a popular tool of field marketing. These campaigns can stretch from as little as one week to 6 months however some are continuous and full time. For consumer goods this would mean having brand representatives in retail stores and around shopping centers, events or road shows. Finally The Brand Ambassadors are engaging with the consumer and showing them how the product or service works. This is important as it allows a potential buyer to get hands on experience and a feel of ownership of the product; most importantly the rep is also on hand to answers any questions the customer may have. Although a sell is great the main aim of a demo campaign is brand awareness. Food and beverage take a slightly differently approach. By handing out free samples and one off deals of their product around retail and events, consumers are getting a taste of the brands latest delicious treats and at the same time everyone loves free food! Sampling is a fun activation and is effective when bringing new products to the high street. Marketing Training Learn more about product demonstrations by checking out our in depth guide here.


Much like product demonstrations these campaigns have brand reps or ambassadors at the center of them. The difference is it’s more about the selling of the product. Sales rep might have targets to adhere to. Finally these campaigns are super effective during peak times when the difference in a sale or not can be having a knowledgeable brand rep in store. Product Demonstrations Learn more about what direct selling is in our guide here.


Auditing takes the reps out off the front line and away from the consumer. Auditing teams are used by marketers to monitor traditional marketing strategies that they put in place across retail. Most of all audits ensure that the brand is represented as it should be on shelves and around retail hot spots. Examples are; checking POS is as it should be across the territories, promotions advertised and running and paid spaces such as gondolas are set up. The data collected from the teams can be useful for the marketers to negotiate better future deals. In addition it also allows for mistakes to be rectified there and then by the reps. Splatter offer a live system that can be monitored by the client in real team meaning that red flags in the field can be dealt with instantaneously .Store Audits and Merchandising To learn more about Audits and merchandising view our guide here.


When it comes to guerrilla marketing the gloves are off. They are usually low budget campaigns but with the right imagination and ideas they offer up some unprecedented results. Furthermore the term ‘Guerrilla Marketing’ itself is used to refer to campaigns that surprise consumers in locations and ways they might not usually expect. For that reason the experience remains with the consumer.


Product Sampling To learn more about sampling work and what that involves view our guide here. WHO DOES WHAT? FIELD MARKETING REP: These guys and girls are the cream of the crop, they are masters of everything. Sometimes they may be conducting training sessions on major proportion for a retailers whole selling team. Another role they find themselves in are in is in the field collecting data and conducted audits. Finally everything in between including sales, merchandising, and working at events. Their primary concern is to drive brand awareness across their region through face to face with consumer and staff on a retail level. Read about what being a field marketing rep is all about here. FIELD MARKETING MANAGER: The field manager’s role is to oversee the field reps; it is their duty to ensure the field marketing campaigns achieves the clients intended goal. As the manager of all the region, they hold the responsibility of ensuring that all reps are trained and directed towards the client’s goals. In addition the field marketing manager will work closely with the clients marketing executives to align the marketing objectives and goals with team in the field. Finally they will then report the findings and feedback from the team. Read more about what being a field marketing manager entails here. BRAND AMBASSADOR/BRAND REP As we know by now the BA role is one of the most crucial in field marketing. Ultimately they are usually supplied by the marketing agency and are tasked with promoting and representing the client’s brand. This can work well within a University by hiring a student to represent the brand around campus; this is perfect for low budget campaigns as sometimes all it takes is giving the BA some products to show off. Some larger scale business’ use celebrities to endorse their product and services by making them the face of their brand using social media to promote to their following. Learn about the various roles within the Field Marketing industry are by reading our guide here. You can also join our team by signing up here. DO YOU NEED FIELD MARKETING? Field marketing as you have seen is a useful tool to accompany other traditional marketing strategies. For example a company might pay a huge amount of money for prime advertising spot during a major sports event. However if this is the case it is important for the brand to follow up with demos in stores. If there is a brand rep placed in store the following few days after the advertising campaign the customer is more likely to come over and ask some questions about the product. Another reason you might need field marketing is to ensure your budget has been well spent. After investing into a large scale in-store promotion campaign you want to ensure that it is implemented to the standard agreed with the retailer. Data can be collected by auditing teams and analysed to see if the money had been well spent. Furthermore it also gives opportunity for future campaigns to implemented with higher efficiency and success.      

marketing Recruiters in Mulund


We work in partnership with our clients to find the best possible staff for event marketing campaigns.

The mark of a good marketing event – one that will keep people talking – often lies in the people working the event. At Fulcrum, we have more than 10 years of experience connecting clients to top-tier, dependable, and talented event staff.  As an experienced event marketing staffing company with a proven track record of success, we focus on both the big picture and the little details, so our clients don’t have to. From conception through event execution, we ensure that every aspect of the staffing process is seamless and rewarding.

Fulcrum can provide clients with staff for a wide variety of event marketing roles, including:


MALKANGIRI, Services marketing service, Services marketing service, Services marketing service in pune, home to home sales, Market promotional events, Rural advertisement activation, , campus experiential marketing, RWA experiential marketing, Market experiential marketing, marketing Recruiters in Mulund


Street Marketing agencies in mumbai


The Fulcrum Agency is the Mumbai marketing company and Street Marketing agencies in mumbai  advertising agency that businesses turn to because we transform businesses into brands. With over 12 years of experience, we help business owners like you with branding, marketing, advertising, and complete creative solutions. Our Marketing Services Mumbai As a Mumbai marketing and advertising firm, we have an incredible list of services that allows us to tackle any marketing or advertising challenge that comes our way.


Let’s help you get the most out of your marketing with strategies and solutions that make sense for your budget and business. Learn more…


Advertising needs two things: great creative, great choices and great management of your media spend. Let’s show you how we can do both. Learn more..


You’re nothing without a strong brand. We’ve been building great brand for over 12 years. Let’s show you how we can build yours. Learn more..


Design is critical to the success of any marketing or advertising campaign. Our amazing team of Mumbai graphic designers will blow you away! Learn more…


Copy-writing is how your communicate your brand and message to the world. Our wordsmiths will give voice to your company. Learn more…


Public Relations is the art of getting the media to talk about you. Our PR team is great at getting the kind of media attention that will do wonders for your business. Learn more…


Social media marketing is more than just likes and followers. It’s about starting a conversation with your customers and building a relationship with them. Learn more.. CALL CENTRE Call centre services are an excellent way and affordable to grow your business. Our call centre is located in Mumbai to maximize your potential for success. Learn more…

Street Marketing agencies in mumbai

Sales Force Management

Giving your sales force the attention it deserves.

At Fulcrum, our sales force optimization expertise enables business owners to begin maximizing their sales efforts. We have the unique capability to analyze and improve how your sales force, Sales Force Management goes about its daily work. We’ll help you take a hard look at a number of important factors for lead generation success. This includes an examination of whether you have the right people in the right seats — equipped with the proper tools and game plan — to close the costly and valuable leads being generated by your marketing effort. We then develop recommendations and strategies to help optimize their methods for getting in front of new prospects — and for staying in front of current customers to increase existing business.

Many business owners don’t view the sales function with the same scrutiny as the marketing function. However in many cases, when you add up all the salaries, commissions and expense reports, it is the most expensive lead generation channel an organization has.

Strengthening the sales function.

Sales Force Management

The following are specific ways Fulcrum can help you refine and optimize your sales force for maximum efficiency and results.
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Job Descriptions

Fulcrum can help develop distinct roles, job descriptions and specific responsibilities for the members of your sales force — and conduct periodic reviews to ensure people are performing accordingly. Responsibilities are assigned across the sales force in a logical and strategic way. Duplications, overlaps or conflicts that are inhibiting overall sales growth are eliminated. We also ensure your sales force isn’t bogged down with low-paying functions that an admin can handle.

Incentive Structures

Incentive structures need to be aligned with what is truly best for your bottom-line and profitability. Fulcrum can help design a system of incentives to properly motivate your sales force, while maximizing their efforts in a cost-effective way. Additional incentives are also put in place to strengthen daily behavior.

Metrics & Management

Meaningful metrics need to be in place to measure the actual performance of your sales force. Your sales manager must also have the necessary expertise and tools to properly monitor and fine-tune your sales effort. Fulcrum analytical insight improves both the efficiency and impact of your sales function. We do this by instituting a set of exacting criteria for real-world success. This serves as both the roadmap and barometer for your ongoing sales effort.

Marketing Tools & Assets

Your sales force needs the proper marketing tools and assets it will take to close the deal. At Fulcrum, we first look for areas that are particularly deficient. This enables us to identify the tools and assets you should upgrade first, considering your overall need and budget. We also help you to develop the right mission-specific sales presentations to address different audiences.

Targeted Sales Presentations

It’s important to build out customized sales presentations for specific messaging initiatives. Fulcrum is able to create impactful message vehicles that communicate your unique brand story, key points of differentiation and your overall value-add. These presentations can also be leveraged as online webinars, or presented in a live environment for increased immediacy, impact and relevance.

Account Management

Your sales force needs a segmented and prioritized customer database to identify the most promising opportunities for growing your business. Fulcrum’s database segmentation expertise provides a strategic operational foundation. With this in place, we help develop the proper marketing assets, message and outreach strategy for each distinct customer segment in the database. This empowers your sales force with proactive customized solutions to win more business.

Direct Marketing, Street Marketing agencies, Street Marketing agencies, Street Marketing agencies in pune, home to home sales, Market promotional events, Rural advertisement activation, , campus experiential marketing, RWA experiential marketing, Market experiential marketing, Street Marketing agencies in mumbai


Services marketing service in mumbai


The Fulcrum Agency is the Mumbai marketing company and Services marketing service in mumbai  advertising agency that businesses turn to because we transform businesses into brands. With over 12 years of experience, we help business owners like you with branding, marketing, advertising, and complete creative solutions. Our Marketing Services Mumbai As a Mumbai marketing and advertising firm, we have an incredible list of services that allows us to tackle any marketing or advertising challenge that comes our way.


Let’s help you get the most out of your marketing with strategies and solutions that make sense for your budget and business. Learn more…


Advertising needs two things: great creative, great choices and great management of your media spend. Let’s show you how we can do both. Learn more..


You’re nothing without a strong brand. We’ve been building great brand for over 12 years. Let’s show you how we can build yours. Learn more..


Design is critical to the success of any marketing or advertising campaign. Our amazing team of Mumbai graphic designers will blow you away! Learn more…


Copy-writing is how your communicate your brand and message to the world. Our wordsmiths will give voice to your company. Learn more…


Public Relations is the art of getting the media to talk about you. Our PR team is great at getting the kind of media attention that will do wonders for your business. Learn more…


Social media marketing is more than just likes and followers. It’s about starting a conversation with your customers and building a relationship with them. Learn more.. CALL CENTRE Call centre services are an excellent way and affordable to grow your business. Our call centre is located in Mumbai to maximize your potential for success. Learn more…

Services marketing service in mumbai


We work in partnership with our clients to find the best possible staff for event marketing campaigns.

The mark of a good marketing event – one that will keep people talking – often lies in the people working the event. At Fulcrum, we have more than 10 years of experience connecting clients to top-tier, dependable, and talented event staff.  As an experienced event marketing staffing company with a proven track record of success, we focus on both the big picture and the little details, so our clients don’t have to. From conception through event execution, we ensure that every aspect of the staffing process is seamless and rewarding.

Fulcrum can provide clients with staff for a wide variety of event marketing roles, including:


MALKANGIRI, Services marketing service, Services marketing service, Services marketing service in pune, home to home sales, Market promotional events, Rural advertisement activation, , campus experiential marketing, RWA experiential marketing, Market experiential marketing, Services marketing service in mumbai


Street Marketing agencies in navi mumbai

Becoming Marketing Active: The Fulcrum Guide to Getting Started with Business Marketing –  In the first part of our guide to becoming marketing active Street Marketing agencies in navi mumbai, we looked at some of the reasons that drive a business to start marketing (if you missed part one, check it out here). But once you’ve made the decision to embark on a marketing strategy for your business, what next? Where do you start and what steps should you take to ensure a smooth and successful process? As is so often the case in business (and life!), preparation is key. So before rushing into any kind of marketing, it’s important to take the time to plan, research and strategise for success. In order to create an effective marketing strategy, you need to develop a thorough understanding of your market, your competitors and your business itself. This means getting back to basics and equipping yourself with all the information you need to identify marketing activities that work for your brand. 1) Research your target market How much do you know about the target audience of your product or service? We’re not just talking about age, sex or occupation (though, of course, you need to know these too). To have the best chance of reaching your target market, you need to dig deeper and find out exactly what drives them towards purchase. What kind of triggers are they most likely to respond to? Which elements of the marketing mix have the most impact on them? How will your product or service benefit them? Understanding these aspects of your target audience will enable you to position and market your brand accordingly, so comprehensive market research is essential. It’s often easier (and more cost-effective) to outsource this type of research to a professional agency who will be better placed to obtain the information you need. 2) Analyse your competition In order to stay ahead of your competitors, you need to know who they are, what they’re doing and how they’re doing it. Once you’ve identified who your key business competitors are, look into the marketing methods they’re using and the way in which they have positioned their brand. What channels and platforms have they chosen to market their business? How are they promoting their brand and its products/services? Consider which elements are crucial to your own business and how you can position your brand in order to get ahead. 3) Define your objectives What do you want to achieve from your marketing activity? Whether it’s to increase your revenue, establish your business in a new market segment or improve brand awareness, setting clear, measurable marketing objectives is vital in understanding what steps need to be taken in order to achieve these goals. Make sure that each identified objective is specific (how much do you want to increase revenue by?), achievable (is it realistic?) and has a timeframe for accomplishment (are you aiming to achieve this goal in three months or a year?). You also need to make sure that your marketing objectives tie in with your overall business objectives. 4) Understand your business You may think you have a pretty good understanding of your business, but it’s surprising what insights can be achieved when you conduct a thorough SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats). Be rigorous, be meticulous, and above all be brutally honest. Is a lack of staff training letting your business down? Are your prices too high to compete in today’s market? Arming yourself with this knowledge is invaluable in developing a marketing strategy that leverages your company’s strengths and addresses those areas which need to be improved. In the next instalment of the Fulcrum guide to becoming marketing active, we’ll be looking at the raft of marketing channels available and helping you to identify which ones are best for your business. If you have something to share on this topic, why not get in touch? Leave your comments below…  

Street Marketing agencies in navi mumbai

Sales Force Management

Giving your sales force the attention it deserves.

At Fulcrum, our sales force optimization expertise enables business owners to begin maximizing their sales efforts. We have the unique capability to analyze and improve how your sales force, Sales Force Management goes about its daily work. We’ll help you take a hard look at a number of important factors for lead generation success. This includes an examination of whether you have the right people in the right seats — equipped with the proper tools and game plan — to close the costly and valuable leads being generated by your marketing effort. We then develop recommendations and strategies to help optimize their methods for getting in front of new prospects — and for staying in front of current customers to increase existing business.

Many business owners don’t view the sales function with the same scrutiny as the marketing function. However in many cases, when you add up all the salaries, commissions and expense reports, it is the most expensive lead generation channel an organization has.

Strengthening the sales function.

Sales Force Management

The following are specific ways Fulcrum can help you refine and optimize your sales force for maximum efficiency and results.
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Job Descriptions

Fulcrum can help develop distinct roles, job descriptions and specific responsibilities for the members of your sales force — and conduct periodic reviews to ensure people are performing accordingly. Responsibilities are assigned across the sales force in a logical and strategic way. Duplications, overlaps or conflicts that are inhibiting overall sales growth are eliminated. We also ensure your sales force isn’t bogged down with low-paying functions that an admin can handle.

Incentive Structures

Incentive structures need to be aligned with what is truly best for your bottom-line and profitability. Fulcrum can help design a system of incentives to properly motivate your sales force, while maximizing their efforts in a cost-effective way. Additional incentives are also put in place to strengthen daily behavior.

Metrics & Management

Meaningful metrics need to be in place to measure the actual performance of your sales force. Your sales manager must also have the necessary expertise and tools to properly monitor and fine-tune your sales effort. Fulcrum analytical insight improves both the efficiency and impact of your sales function. We do this by instituting a set of exacting criteria for real-world success. This serves as both the roadmap and barometer for your ongoing sales effort.

Marketing Tools & Assets

Your sales force needs the proper marketing tools and assets it will take to close the deal. At Fulcrum, we first look for areas that are particularly deficient. This enables us to identify the tools and assets you should upgrade first, considering your overall need and budget. We also help you to develop the right mission-specific sales presentations to address different audiences.

Targeted Sales Presentations

It’s important to build out customized sales presentations for specific messaging initiatives. Fulcrum is able to create impactful message vehicles that communicate your unique brand story, key points of differentiation and your overall value-add. These presentations can also be leveraged as online webinars, or presented in a live environment for increased immediacy, impact and relevance.

Account Management

Your sales force needs a segmented and prioritized customer database to identify the most promising opportunities for growing your business. Fulcrum’s database segmentation expertise provides a strategic operational foundation. With this in place, we help develop the proper marketing assets, message and outreach strategy for each distinct customer segment in the database. This empowers your sales force with proactive customized solutions to win more business.


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