Answers to a recent interview; get noticed with the media; answers these for yourself – they get asked a lot.

Answers to a recent interview; get noticed with the media; answers these for yourself – they get asked a lot.

How do you select your product/service vendors that make up the product or service that you sell?

Our goal is to provide “solutions: for our current and future clients. Solutions that make them and their business better in a way that is EASY for them to manage and understand. In our industry, products are changing every day so we pay close attention to what is going on in the market and make every effort to be among the first to offer new and improved products and services to our clients.

How do you make money?

NationLink is an indirect dealer of wireless services for a national carrier and we are paid by the carrier for every line we activate. In addition, NationLink offers managed wireless services, and we typically save our clients thousands of dollars by managing their wireless program. In that space, we take a percentage of what we save the client; we are compensated to keep the best interest of clients at heart – not our own. We also offer BlackBerry devices, accessories and comprehensive training programs. We are seeing steady revenue growth from the sale of GPS monitoring solutions. And, we offer an Employee Value Program where employees of qualifying companies can go through us to get an exclusive personal discount on all wireless products, accessories and rate plans. Each of these areas generates revenue.

What are your sales terms and concentrations?

Our sales terms vary by industry and client service solution offering; some have term obligations and other do not. We believe is have a long term partnership with our clients and creating a residual revenue stream to keep our company strong and able to provide that “high-level” of client support. In doing this we find that having terms in our agreements help us in keeping that stream alive.

How do you market your products and services?

Our diverse, comprehensive product/service mix falls roughly into solution offerings:

OneSource, our managed wireless service solution; BlackBerryGuy, for BlackBerry devices and training; AICGPS, GPS monitoring solutions; and EVP, the Employee Value Program which offers personal employee discounts for large corporations and their employee base (as an employee benefit) across the country.

While our marketing efforts are always branded under the NationLink umbrella, each of these solutions offers a unique client base, and we reach those target audiences in the most direct, cost-effective way possible. We market industry-specific products (such as our GPS solution for plumbing and HVAC clients) as well as general wireless products and services within each sector.

Our marketing strategy is to identify companies that best fit our product mix and focus on reaching those clients. For example, we know that the legal community is a heavy user of BlackBerry technology, so we developed a training specific to them that is certified for CLE (continuing legal education) credit. We market our BlackBerryGuy training aggressively within the legal community through direct mail, trade show participation and through our sales force.

On a daily basis, we are reaching out to clients through direct mail, trade shows, e-marketing, limited print and radio advertising, media relations and direct sales.

What are the factors that differentiate you from your competitors?

We provide our clients with the highest level of service in the industry. Our primary competition is the carriers and their direct sales force. We fill the gap between our clients’ needs and the carrier’s capabilities. Best way to explain this is to ask “What do you dislike about your wireless service provider? – That is what we fix. This difference is proven with our stacked ranking with our indirect dealers: Others Churn – 3.46% / NLW Churn – .70% (our clients just don’t leave)

What have the “bumps” been along the way and what are your expectations for this year?

In any business there are “bumps” along the way. This past year we have dealt (like everyone else) with the decline of the residential housing market. We deal a lot with builders both with our Nextel solution and our GPS solutions and the decline in this sector has impacted new sales of both of these solutions. This year we don’t see much of a positive change coming in the sector so we are focusing on other sectors to shore up any reduction in business. Luckily we focus much of our business on cost reduction and productivity increases which all businesses need in a down market so we haven’t seen large reductions in sales; only a slowing.

How did you get into this space/market?

In the early 1990’s, I accepted a contracted sales position in wireless communications with Contel Cellular. It was the first wave of cellular in Middle Tennessee and the success I enjoyed through that position convinced me that I could take this technology and wrap into a business model that better served the end users and effectively use it as the basis of my own wireless company.

Who are the leaders of your company? How did you find them? What expertise do they bring?

Todd Wilson, Vice President of Operations – Todd retired from UPS five years before joining our company and his extensive background in management and operations has been invaluable. He manages our GPS location services; BlackBerry support, installation and training; and the ordering, housing and distribution of NationLink’s goods and services. In addition, Todd spends 50% of his time in the field working with clients in a technical support role. His technical and organizational skills keep things moving on a daily basis.

Justin Morrison, Vice President of Sales – Justin has a diverse background in sales management as well as business ownership. He primarily focuses on overseeing our outside direct sales division, focusing on moving our products and services to the end user in the most profitable manner. Through his leadership, we have built a sales team that uses client satisfaction as the foundation for long-term strategic partnerships.

Brian Roland, EVP Business Group Manager – Brian oversees all aspects of the Employee Value Program. He manages sales, marketing, client relations and support for the employees of more than 500 qualifying organizations. Our corporate and government EVP clients have an employee base ranging from 500-1.5 million, and Brian is steadily growing and solidifying those relationships.

What are the key strategic elements that will drive your success for the upcoming years?

Strategy is one of those terms that can take on many meanings; I personally spend the majority of time working in this space. Working on my business rather than just in it – being proactive rather than just reacting.

Telecommunications is a fast paced changing model and anyone in this business must always be thinking 5 years down the road, the unfortunate thing is that 5 years to us gets compacted into closer to 18 months – so we have to constantly be watching the marketplace for both new solutions and for trends by industry. For me there are several key strategies; being 18 months ahead of the competition is one of the keys to our success.

What affect will any upcoming recession have on your sales, compared to your past?

I spoke w little about it above; and our business model being built on high end value added service solutions that drive savings and increase [productivity we feel will serve us positively in both good times and down times in any economy.
















































The Lighter Side

The Lighter Side

Contractor’s Definitions:

Government Contractor: A gambler who never gets to cut, shuffle or deal the cards.

Bid Opening: A poker game in which the losing hand wins

Low Bidder: A contractor who wonders what he or she left out of their bid

Engineer’s Estimate: The cost of construction in Heaven

Project Manager: The conductor of an orchestra in which every muscian is in a different union

Critical Path Method Scheduling:  A managment technique for losing your shirt under perfect control

Strike: An effort to increase golden egg production by strangling the goose.

Delayed Payment: a tourniquet applied at the pockets

Completion Date: The day before liquidate damages are assessed.

Liquidated Damages: The penalty for failing to acheive the impossible

Lawyer: People who go in after the war’s lost and bayonet the wounded

IRS: The next people after the lawyers who strip the body of any valuables
















































Reduce Your Expenses Through Negotiation

Reduce Your Expenses Through Negotiation

We live in a world where we don’t get unless we ask.  We’re stuck with the same cell phone plan even though every provider is in a constant state of promotion.  Our auto insurance is still priced high even though another company is always offering a deal.  And credit cards, well, you know you can switch and get a lower interest rate any time.

Every day we’re bombarded with advertising and direct mail asking us to make a switch to a competitor.  But aside from credit cards, most of us don’t make the switch.  We don’t even make the inquiry with the new company.

In today’s world, especially with the economic situation we’re in, you can save a lot of money by investigating deals that your competitors are offering. 


Save money by switching carriers or renegotiating.

A company I’m doing some work for had and has a variety of policies coming up for renewal.  Medical and dental plans, liability insurance, auto insurance and more. 

So rather than renew with the current providers, we set about investigating our opportunities with other providers.  In every case, we switched carriers because the rates were less expensive.  When the current insurance provider raised medical and dental premiums 20%, we shopped around and found another carrier (a better one in my mind) that offered similar plans at rates that were slightly less than what we had been paying.  That saved the company and employees nearly $9,000 in premiums.

The company also had a contract with Pitney Bowes who wouldn’t let us out of it, nor would they reduce the term of it.  It’s only $167 a quarter but that’s almost $1,400 over the two years left on the agreement.  So we have a machine that takes up space that we don’t use.  But we tried.

What else can you do?

Call your credit card companies and negotiate your interest rates lower, or move the balance to new cards that offer low introductory rates.
Call your insurance brokers and make sure they shop your health care, liability, property/casualty, worker’s comp and any other coverage to multiple carriers whenever they’re up for renewal. 
Call your utilities including cable, cell phone, land line phones, etc. and make sure you’re on the right plan for your business size and type.  Most will let you make changes to your existing plans.
Threaten to move to a competitor.  Find a better deal elsewhere?  Most companies don’t want to lose the business so threaten to leave if they don’t offer competitive rates.  It works most of the time.
Don’t stick with what you have because of relationships.  We all get too comfortable with what and whom we know.  The company mentioned above had the same health benefits broker for 10 years.  One meeting with the guy told me he didn’t know his stuff and that the company (and more importantly the owner) could save thousands of dollars.  Why did I have to tell the guy what to investigate specific plan options?  Often times, it takes an objective outsider to analyze the situation and make the change.  And change we did.

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10 Simple Tips To Help You Recession Proof Your Bottom Line

10 Simple Tips To Help You Recession Proof Your Bottom Line

Amidst a slowing business climate, creeping inflation and growing fears of a U.S. recession, strategic sourcing expert Steve Belli of Source One Management Services, LLC offers up more than your average belt-tightening advice.

“Many business owners and managers forget that one dollar in strategic sourcing savings goes directly to your bottom line. In hard economic times like these, it’s important to remember that it would take $10 in sales to make that same dollar,” comments Belli. More than simply cutting costs, strategic sourcing involves a streamlined process that taps into the skills of the supply industry to optimize sustainable competitive advantage for the business and its customers.

Yet, most mid-sized companies lack the resources, disciplined sourcing practices, category expertise and spending power to negotiate and maintain competitive supply chains, according to the Aberdeen Group benchmark report, Strategic Sourcing in the Mid-Market Benchmark. Aberdeen estimates that such deficiencies cost mid-sized firms in the U.S. $134 billion a year in missed supply savings opportunities. In light of international concern over a long-term U.S. recession, the time couldn’t be better for more refreshing approaches to cutting costs.

With these 10 quick tips on how company decision makers can benefit from strategic sourcing without losing finance and purchasing management support, Steve Belli offers invaluable advice on recession-proofing your bottom line. A sneak peak at the 10 (surprisingly) simple steps:

1. Creativity is the golden rule in every aspect of your approach– including the identification and qualification of suppliers, the geographical and logistical aspects of the supplier and company’s clients, the sourcing strategy, and the development and negotiation of contracts.

2. Collecting data saves dollars: In order to maximize savings, learn how to study up on (less obvious) aspects of the market.  Note: Strategic sourcing companies like Source One have access to data and information that most companies cannot afford to acquire for every one of their strategic and non-strategic spends.

3. Examining (or re-examining) your sourcing strategy can be eye-opening:  At the rate the current market changes, it is essential to stay on your toes and constantly reassess your strategy. Be realistic about your requirements by looking at your minimum needs and maximum desires

4. Developing a supplier list always adds value: Have you accumulated a large potential supplier base? Doing so will increase the likelihood of unearthing original opportunity and savings!

5. The ABC’s of RFPs : Open communication is key (and ultimately saves you money) throughout the Request for Proposals (RFP) process.

6. Analyzing response can be the missing link: Turn to a fact-based objective market picture and plan from there.

7. Only fools rush in. Negotiating issues carefully saves money. From both a qualitative and quantitative aspect, gauge each supplier proposal against your internal benchmark

8. Planning and implementing=results in action.

9. Continuous performance management will ensure you savings (and keep your suppliers on their toes.) 

10. Watching your back keeps you moving forward. Take a careful look at what your competitors are doing in terms of source and supply.

1 2 Next Page
















































Keep your employees motivated

Keep your employees motivated

Home » Business Tips » Keep your employees motivated
March 2, 2016 Frank Bullock Business Tips
In case you are a business owner, making your employees motivated and happy makes them  more productive.  They are the ones  helps your grow,  and motivation  can make their  performance better at the work place.  Successful companies from all around the world have highly motivated employees, they love their job and the company they work for. If you want to achieve the same success like these companies, motivating your employees can help you achieve it.  You can organize corporate events Melbourne to show your appreciation of their work.

Step 1 – Organise a team building

The best way to show your employees that you appreciate their efforts of helping your company grow is have an annual company team building. You should plan something special for these events, because you want to show them that you are grateful for all they offer your firm. For example, you can hire a company, which brings exotic and wild animal life to your event. These are educational shows, perfect for helping your employees spend time together and share the same experiences. Your employees will have the opportunity to touch the animals, but they will also learn many details about them. These shows puts emphasis on conservation, ecology and habitat, so you will also help your employee become aware of these aspects.

Step 2 – Give your employees training

From time to time, you can work with some of them and see what their job implies. This will help you understand better their needs, and when you are able to offer them a much more conducive working environment, employees tend to be more productive. Employees need training and to further enhance their skills.

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How a tech PR company can help your business grow

How a tech PR company can help your business grow

Home » Business Tips » How a tech PR company can help your business grow
November 11, 2015 Frank Bullock Business Tips
When you want to help your business grow, you should follow several steps. One important choice that you have to make for your business is to select a PR agency. Depending on your business domain, you should hire a specialized company. If you have a company that offers its products and services for the tech domain then you should hire a specialized tech PR company, which is specialized in helping businesses like yours. This is a better choice than hiring a traditional agency. They may have experience in many domains but their knowledge in technology might be limited. Either if you have a start-up company or an established one you should know that PR companies offer you many benefits.

They know the latest trends

A PR company will offer you the perfect team for your business, which has a wide knowledge in this field, understanding the industry and the language used. They are specialised persons that understand not only the technology used but also the technical terms. They will help your company to follow the trends in technology domain, because they do research permanently and keep up with the latest news in the industry. They will provide you the latest information on how you should act to help your business grow.

They know the industry

You should choose to collaborate with a tech PR agency because they will offer you a team of persons with experience in your domain and that have technology knowledge. You will not benefit from the same advantages when working with a general PR agency, because they may not have enough experience in tech field.

They help you get to the right audience

They have a specialised network of contacts in tech domain and they offer you the possibility of placing advertisement about your company in the suitable media outlets and publications. They can use their specialised network to spread your company’s message to the targeted audience, because they are integral members in the technology domain.

They do a permanent research

A PR tech team understands better the audience to which you want to get and they know the essential information needed in your domain. They do their research form magazines, websites, blogs and social media sites that represent a focus point in your domain. They use the information provided by these sources to offer their clients the best opportunities and to create campaigns that suit the market’s needs. Benefit from all the advantages offered by a tech PR agency.

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shop marketing business | door2door marketing enterprise pune

When it comes to Promotional Marketing and its associated services shop marketing business | door2door marketing enterprise pune, we like to think we know a thing or two. After all, we’ve been doing it for a quarter of a century!

As a long established and reliable partner to brands and agencies, we provide a proactive and helpful account management team to help work through your marketing objectives. Technology is at the heart of everything we deliver – from live online reporting through to cashback platforms and ecommerce websites, we utilise the latest technology to deliver efficiencies in handling and transparency of our operation.

Fulcrum provides a flexible approach – allowing you to focus on your brand, while we take care of the detail behind the scenes

For the team here at Fulcrum it’s all about how to help a brand to drive sales, manage logistics – using the power of our people, our processes and our technology. Our people are drawn from a variety of commercial backgrounds including agency, experiential, btl and fieldwork.

We do the research on new trends, Marketing and Btl solutions and effective ways of working

we provide a comprehensive a range of promotional solutions to major organisations working to promote their businesses and brands. These solutions relate to the issuing, validation, redemption and settlement of…

RETAILER OFFERS – loyalty vouchers, coupons & points, complex & personalised targeted promotions, trigger offers

STORED VALUE INSTRUMENTS – gift, savings, points, general ‘spend’ cards or virtual cards
MANUFACTURER COUPONS – including 3rd party and affinity partner programmes
…whether physical or digital, for customer present and online transactions.

Our services are operational in the mumbai and pune (where we support all major grocery retailers, FMCG manufacturers, and many leading multi-retailer environments).

Who are we?

Fulcrum specialises in the provision of marketing, Btl and leaflet distribution services within the Marketing and all sector.

How can we help?

Over the years we have innovated our core capabilities through excellent IT infrastructure and customer service, to provide a one stop shop for all your promotional, fulfilment and distribution needs.

We are dedicated to helping our customers achieve growth, customer retention and increased profitability through the combination of our expert marketing support services.


Brand Activation


Marketing idea an tips , info , case study

Sales Training

Sales Training

In general, training provides many diverse benefits both to the company as well as to the salesperson.



Key Points

  • Training employees results in improved performance or error reduction, leading to higher profits. Employees can strengthen their overall skill set and increase their understanding of the organization.
  • Different industries and organizations will have different training needs, and will thus need to devise different training systems as a result.
  • Different types of training include on the job training, technical training, mentoring systems, and coaching systems among others.

Key Terms

  • training: the activity of imparting and acquiring skills.

Training is generally defined as the act of teaching a skill or behavior. However, what does this mean in business terms? Simply put, training in business is the investment of resources in the employees of a company so that they are better equipped to perform the tasks of their job. The type of resources invested may include time to learn, money to create programs and develop training materials, training effectiveness evaluation systems, etc.

Benefits of Training

Training provides greater skill and knowledge to the employees, which translate into any number of improved job performances. The belief is that providing employees with training will result in increased profits—the improved performance or error reduction of the employees results in cost reduction for the company. For sales personnel, training is especially important, as untrained salespeople interacting with customers may have a negative effect on the company’s reputation.

Both the employee and the company benefit from training. By attending training sessions, employees can deepen their existing skill set, increase their overall skill set and increase their understanding of the organization (see ). Additionally (and perhaps unintentionally on the part of the company), the trained employee becomes more marketable in the event that he or she searches for another job—more and better skills will often lead to better or higher paying jobs. Other benefits that both may enjoy are increased job satisfaction, motivation and morale; increased efficiency, resulting in financial gain; increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods; increased innovation in strategies and products; reduced employee turnover; and enhanced company image, reputation and customer satisfaction (particularly in the case of salespeople).


Training: Training can be conducted in many ways, such as in a lecture or classroom format (above), online, or any number of ways.

Need for Training

The need for training varies depending on the type of organization that is being discussed; a manufacturing company has different training needs than an insurance firm. But regardless of the type of company being discussed, appropriate training systems can greatly benefit the company. Sales personnel will need different types of specialized training depending on the industry and the company’s unique circumstances.

How does one decide on a training system? The process begins with a training needs assessment. This assessment ought to be a systematic and objective analysis of the training needs in three main areas—organizational, job, and person. Organizational needs deal mostly with the skills the company is looking for, the labor force, etc. whereas the job needs focus on the skills that the company views as necessary for a specific position. Then there are the person needs, and these are the most variable needs. Often these needs arise after a gap is seen in the expected performance compared to the actual performance of the employee. Training can also be a part of a young employee’s “exploration” stage, where training can be used to focus the employee’s interest and development towards a specific area.

Training Methods

Designing and implementing the training systems requires the company to consider a number of things; the method of training, the material the training will deal with, who will provide the training, how to evaluate the effectiveness of the training, etc. On-the-job training relies on the employee to recognize the skills and knowledge he or she will need as they perform their work, and then develop those skills on his or her own. Technical training focuses on a specific need of specific employees. Mentoring systems pair a younger or less experienced employee with an individual that has experience and success within the company who can offer guidance, aid and insight to the younger/less experienced employees. Coaching systems involve the manager offering developmental assistance to the employee through observation, assessment, providing feedback, questioning, etc.

The training of a salesperson who will be working in a country other than his or her own can be broken into three segments—pre-departure, on-site, and repatriation. The pre-departure training consists of formal language training, training with respect to the local culture (culture sensitivity), education about the country (history, geography, government, etc.), and education about the company’s operation in the foreign country. Such training allows for easier assimilation of the employee into the country and the company’s office there. Once on site, training takes the shape of training at any other branch of the company. When the employee abroad returns, a repatriation program designed to reduce culture shock and to integrate the experience abroad is useful.


Advertising ideas

Promotional Idea

Marketing Ideas

Marketing Ideas 1

Events Ideas

Marketing Management and Strategic Planning

 Guide to Online Marketing

Sales Management & Planning

Advertising and Promotion

Mass Communication Media and Culture

Principles of Marketing

Effective marketing techniques

Marketing communication Strategies and Planning

Promotion: Integrated Marketing Communication

Marketing Management and Strategic Planning

Marketing Strategy




Retail Management

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Small Business Management

Business Plan Development Guide

Small Business and Entrepreneurship

Human Resource Management

Introduction to Business

Principles of Management

door to door marketing
 Direct Marketing business pune, Experiential marketing organizations pune, Marketing activation Strategy pune ,
On ground marketing Professional pune, shop marketing business pune, door2door marketing enterprise pune,
BTL marketing enterprise pune, Field marketing enterprisepune , campus Marketing enterprise ,
multiplexes Marketing enterprise , mall Marketing enterprise ,
Business To Business marketing enterprise , Coupons Distribution enterprise

Experiential marketing organizations | Marketing activation Strategy pune

Fulcrum Marketing is a creative promotions marketing agency with over 10 years’ combined experience in the FMCG, Insurance, Automotive, Banking, Telecoms, White Goods and Retail sectors.

We create innovative marketing strategies using free-to-consumer rewards that engage and excite – whether that’s tactical promotional activity to boost acquisition or retention or long-term loyalty and engagement programmes.

We offer the widest range of established promotional offers, together with the skills and experience necessary to produce a bespoke solution to drive sales and offer great ROI, whilst using our own loyalty and reward platforms gives us a competitive edge in terms of both costings and response time.


Fulcrum Marketing is a creative promotions marketing agency where consumer incentive ideas fill our hearts, minds and souls.

We love thinking, learning and driving innovative campaigns for your brand.

We love a challenge.


Fulcrum Marketing was founded in 2007 to offer innovative marketing strategies that engage and excite consumers. At FulcrumMarketing we understand it is difficult for brands to get stand-out and engage with consumers on an emotional level.

Our role is to continually develop new, innovative promotional solutions that offer high value incentives at a fraction of retail cost. This is as an alternative to heavily discounting.

We offer Marketing solutions that work!

Because we have the widest range of established promotional offers, along with a skilled and experienced team, which is necessary to produce a best marketing solution to drive sales and offer unrivaled ROI.

About Us

Fulcrum is a dynamic, creative agency that partners with leading consumer brands across a spectrum of industries, supporting both their domestic marketing strategies through a wide variety of creative brand solutions and value-added services.

We specialise in developing and delivering engaging solutions for a whole host of global brands, from creative, branded merchandise with inspiring packaging and POS options to tailored print management services.

Our Values

Our growth and continued success is built on core company values such as quality, value, service, passion and innovation.

Our Ethics

Every factory we use is personally assessed by our staff for quality, working conditions and the ethical treatment of workers.

Supply Chain Management

We project manage your product from concept to completion. Relax in the knowledge that your brand is in safe hands.


We are a responsible organisation that implements good processes with a focus on environmental sustainability.

Our Values

Our core values are what guide us as a company and individuals. These values are at the heart of everything we do:


Deliver excellent standards consistently.


Ensure exceptional value for our customers.


Provide the highest standard of service to our customers.


Remain at the forefront of innovation in both design and manufacturing.


We are the most trusted supplier. The integrity of your brand is in safe hands.


We are passionate about what we do and strive to exceed customer expectations.

Experiential marketing organizations | Marketing activation Strategy pune


Brand Activation

Developing Insights and an Action Plan

Developing Insights and an Action Plan

A successful presentation provides conclusions (based on the insights gathered) that effectively meet the objectives of the research.


Identify the characteristics of preparing,presenting and documenting the results of marketing research


Key Points

  • Report Preparation & Presentation is the sixth step in the Marketing Research Process.
  • The entire project should be documented in a written report that addresses the specific research questions identified; describes the approach, research design, data collection, and data analysis procedures adopted; and presents the results and the major findings.
  • The findings should be presented in a comprehensible format so they can be readily used in the decision making process.
  • In addition, an oral presentation should be made to management using tables, figures, and graphs to enhance clarity and impact.

Key Terms

  • Executive Summary: A short document or section of a document that summarizes a longer report or proposal in such a way that readers can rapidly become acquainted with a large body of material without having to read it all.
  • Market Research: The systematic collection and evaluation of data regarding customers’ preferences for actual and potential products and services.

Overview of the Market Research Process:

  • Step 1: Problem Definition
  • Step 2: Development of an Approach to the Problem
  • Step 3: Research Design Formulation
  • Step 4: Field Work or Data Collection
  • Step 5: Data Preparation & Analysis
  • Step 6: Report Preparation & Presentation

Step 6: Report Preparation & Presentation

During the Report Preparation & Presentation step, the entire project should be documented in a written report that addresses the specific research questions identified; describes the approach, the research design, data collection, and data analysis procedures adopted; and presents the results and the major findings. This permanent document is also helpful because it can be easily referenced by others who may not have been part of the research.

The findings should be presented in a comprehensible format so that they can be readily used in the decision making process. In addition, an oral presentation should be made to management using tables, figures, and graphs to enhance clarity and impact.

A man gives a presentation and discusses information on a dry erase board.

Presentation: Report preparation and presentation is the sixth step in the market research process.

A successful presentation will include but is not limited to the following elements:

  • Final conclusions (based on the insights gathered from data collected) that effectively meet the initial objectives of the research
  • Recommendations about how to apply the research
  • Charts, graphs, and visual elements that help showcase important facts and make the presentation easily digestible and memorable

A formal research report presentation typically includes the following:

  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary
  • Background
  • Research Objectives
  • Research Methodology
  • Highlights of Fieldwork Data Collected
  • Appendix (including Respondent Screening Instrument and Questionnaire)
  • Findings/Insights
  • Recommendations/Implications and Action Plan

door to door marketing pune
Direct Marketing business pune, Experiential marketing organizations pune, Marketing activation Strategy pune ,
On ground marketing Professional pune, shop marketing business pune, door2door marketing enterprise pune,
BTL marketing enterprise pune, Field marketing enterprise pune, campus Marketing enterprise pune,
multiplexes Marketing enterprise pune, mall Marketing enterprise pune,
Business To Business marketing enterprise pune , Coupons Distribution enterprise pune

door to door marketing | Direct Marketing business pune

With so many new ways to reach your potential customer, it is essential to protect the integrity of your brand message”


Fulcrum has succeeded over 10 years by continually innovating providing clients with marketing services they need door to door marketing | Direct Marketing business pune. Our core work today is very different to that of when we first opened our doors but what has not changed is our commitment to service, creative thinking and generating results.

Direct Marketing
Strategic planning and delivery of targeted direct marketing campaigns to generate a strong ROI

Data consultancy
Creative design and production
Print and digital

Tactical ad solutions or full multi media campaign planning, concept and execution
Print and digital media
Production and delivery to chosen media

Creative Design
From initial concept development through to finished production and delivery

Press, print and digital media
From corporate identity to point of sale

Experiential Marketing
Take your brand to the right people

Real world and virtual (augmented reality)
Exhibitions and shows
Guerrilla activity

Sales Promotion
Plan and execute activity in all channels to achieve tactical marketing objectives

From concept through to delivery and performance analysis
All media

Campaign Delivery
Creative design
On-line and off-line direct marketing channels
In-house studio production
Print buying and distribution logistics

Marketing performance

Marketing performance analysis
Customer value delivered by marketing channels
Cross channel marketing budget allocation
Optimising allocation of multiple brand propositions to individuals
Customer understanding
Propensity modelling
Response and value predictive models for home shoppers
Product affinity segmentation
Impact of contact density on consumer response
Using on-line browsing to predict purchase propensity


About us

Fulcrum is a dynamic, creative agency that specialises in developing and delivering engaging sales promotion, retail merchandise and on-brand promotional products.

From local sourced products to any marketing projects, we partner with leading consumer brands to develop merchandise to support the execution of their global sales and marketing strategies.

we provide our clients with the project management platform required to generate and deliver creative & Inspiring branded merchandise solutions, however simple or complex they may seem.

Through our unique combination of design talent, manufacturing scope, buying power and global distribution expertise, we can provide multi-territory fulfilment of creative products tailored to our clients’ exact requirements.

door to door marketing | Direct Marketing business pune

Developing Insights and an Action Plan

Developing Insights and an Action Plan

A successful presentation provides conclusions (based on the insights gathered) that effectively meet the objectives of the research.


Identify the characteristics of preparing,presenting and documenting the results of marketing research


Key Points

  • Report Preparation & Presentation is the sixth step in the Marketing Research Process.
  • The entire project should be documented in a written report that addresses the specific research questions identified; describes the approach, research design, data collection, and data analysis procedures adopted; and presents the results and the major findings.
  • The findings should be presented in a comprehensible format so they can be readily used in the decision making process.
  • In addition, an oral presentation should be made to management using tables, figures, and graphs to enhance clarity and impact.

Key Terms

  • Executive Summary: A short document or section of a document that summarizes a longer report or proposal in such a way that readers can rapidly become acquainted with a large body of material without having to read it all.
  • Market Research: The systematic collection and evaluation of data regarding customers’ preferences for actual and potential products and services.

Overview of the Market Research Process:

  • Step 1: Problem Definition
  • Step 2: Development of an Approach to the Problem
  • Step 3: Research Design Formulation
  • Step 4: Field Work or Data Collection
  • Step 5: Data Preparation & Analysis
  • Step 6: Report Preparation & Presentation

Step 6: Report Preparation & Presentation

During the Report Preparation & Presentation step, the entire project should be documented in a written report that addresses the specific research questions identified; describes the approach, the research design, data collection, and data analysis procedures adopted; and presents the results and the major findings. This permanent document is also helpful because it can be easily referenced by others who may not have been part of the research.

The findings should be presented in a comprehensible format so that they can be readily used in the decision making process. In addition, an oral presentation should be made to management using tables, figures, and graphs to enhance clarity and impact.

A man gives a presentation and discusses information on a dry erase board.

Presentation: Report preparation and presentation is the sixth step in the market research process.

A successful presentation will include but is not limited to the following elements:

  • Final conclusions (based on the insights gathered from data collected) that effectively meet the initial objectives of the research
  • Recommendations about how to apply the research
  • Charts, graphs, and visual elements that help showcase important facts and make the presentation easily digestible and memorable

A formal research report presentation typically includes the following:

  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary
  • Background
  • Research Objectives
  • Research Methodology
  • Highlights of Fieldwork Data Collected
  • Appendix (including Respondent Screening Instrument and Questionnaire)
  • Findings/Insights
  • Recommendations/Implications and Action Plan

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