shop marketing ideas | door2door marketing Staff jalgaon

When it comes to Promotional Marketing and its associated services shop marketing ideas | door2door marketing Staff jalgaon, we like to think we know a thing or two. After all, we’ve been doing it for a quarter of a century!

As a long established and reliable partner to brands and agencies, we provide a proactive and helpful account management team to help work through your marketing objectives. Technology is at the heart of everything we deliver – from live online reporting through to cashback platforms and ecommerce websites, we utilise the latest technology to deliver efficiencies in handling and transparency of our operation.

Fulcrum provides a flexible approach – allowing you to focus on your brand, while we take care of the detail behind the scenes

For the team here at Fulcrum it’s all about how to help a brand to drive sales, manage logistics – using the power of our people, our processes and our technology. Our people are drawn from a variety of commercial backgrounds including agency, experiential, btl and fieldwork.

We do the research on new trends, Marketing and Btl solutions and effective ways of working

we provide a comprehensive a range of promotional solutions to major organisations working to promote their businesses and brands. These solutions relate to the issuing, validation, redemption and settlement of…

RETAILER OFFERS – loyalty vouchers, coupons & points, complex & personalised targeted promotions, trigger offers

STORED VALUE INSTRUMENTS – gift, savings, points, general ‘spend’ cards or virtual cards
MANUFACTURER COUPONS – including 3rd party and affinity partner programmes
…whether physical or digital, for customer present and online transactions.

Our services are operational in the mumbai and pune (where we support all major grocery retailers, FMCG manufacturers, and many leading multi-retailer environments).

Who are we?

Fulcrum specialises in the provision of marketing, Btl and leaflet distribution services within the Marketing and all sector.

How can we help?

Over the years we have innovated our core capabilities through excellent IT infrastructure and customer service, to provide a one stop shop for all your promotional, fulfilment and distribution needs.

We are dedicated to helping our customers achieve growth, customer retention and increased profitability through the combination of our expert marketing support services.


Brand Activation


Marketing idea an tips , info , case study

Types of Social Media

Types of Social Media

Some of the most popular current forms of social media are social networking websites such as Facebook, which surpassed over one billion active monthly users in October 2012. There are several types of online platforms classified under the vast umbrella of social media. These categories include:

Social Networks: Social networking websites allow users to build web pages featuring personal portfolios and interests. These pages are used to connect with friends, colleagues and other users in order to share media, content and communications. Examples of social networks include Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace and Bebo.

Visual social networks are becoming more popular, with Instagram having now surpassed Twitter in its amount of users. Data has shown that a tweet that includes an image has a 150% more chance of being shared. There are also new networks such as Snapchat and Periscope, that are slowly growing in terms of popularity, especially with the younger generations.

Web blogs: Some of the oldest and most popular forms of social media are blogs. Blogs are often viewed as online journals that order content chronologically, or by date, month, year and category. Users can also maintain “vlogs,” or video blogs, featuring shared or homemade videos. Blogging websites include WordPress, Blogger and Tumblr.

Microblogs: Microblogs are blogging tools that feature short posts, as opposed to journal-style posts. Users are usually restricted to posting a few lines of text, or uploading individual images and videos. Microblogging is particularly common for posting quick updates and distributing content via mobile devices. Notable microblogging sites include Twitter and Tumblr. However, social networks such as Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and MySpace also have their own microblogging features.

Content Communities: Users on content communities organize, share and comment on different types of content, including images and videos. YouTube, Flickr and scribd are examples of content communities.

Wikis: Wiki websites allow a community of people to add and edit content in a community-based database. One of the best-known wikis is Wikipedia.

Podcasts: Podcasts are audio and video files available through subscription services such as Apple iTunes. The term “podcast” is a neologism derived from “broadcast” and “pod” (as in “iPod”), since Podcasts are often listened to on portable media players.

Other types of social media include the following:

  • Rating and review sites (e.g. Yelp)
  • Social bookmarking or social tagging features (e.g. Digg; Stumble Upon)
  • Forums and discussion boards (e.g. Yahoo!; Answers)
  • Virtual social worlds (e.g. Second Life; World of Warcraft)
  • Music and audio sharing (e.g. Spotify; Pandora Radio)

Social media can also be classified by their ability to facilitate certain social functions. These social functions often involve identity, conversation, sharing, presence, relationships, reputation, and groups. Kaplan and Haenlein created a classification scheme using six different types of social media– collaborative projects (e.g. Wikipedia), blogs and microblogs (e.g. Twitter), content communities (e.g. YouTube), social networking sites (e.g. Facebook), virtual game worlds (e.g. World of Warcraft), and virtual social worlds (e.g. Second Life).


Advertising ideas

Promotional Idea

Marketing Ideas

Marketing Ideas 1

Events Ideas

Marketing Management and Strategic Planning

 Guide to Online Marketing

Sales Management & Planning

Advertising and Promotion

Mass Communication Media and Culture

Principles of Marketing

Effective marketing techniques

Marketing communication Strategies and Planning

Promotion: Integrated Marketing Communication

Marketing Management and Strategic Planning

Marketing Strategy




Retail Management

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Small Business Management

Business Plan Development Guide

Small Business and Entrepreneurship

Human Resource Management

Introduction to Business

Principles of Management

Experiential Marketing
 Direct Marketing ideas jalgaon, Experiential marketing Work jalgaon, Product marketing firm jalgaon ,
On ground marketing jalgaon, shop marketing ideas jalgaon, door2door marketing Staff jalgaon,
BTL marketing Staff jalgaon, Field marketing Staffjalgaon , campus Marketing Staff ,
multiplexes Marketing Staff , mall Marketing Staff ,
Business To Business marketing Staff , Coupons Distribution Staff

Experiential Marketing | Direct Marketing ideas jalgaon

With so many new ways to reach your potential customer, it is essential to protect the integrity of your brand message”


Fulcrum has succeeded over 10 years by continually innovating providing clients with marketing services they need Experiential Marketing | Direct Marketing ideas jalgaon. Our core work today is very different to that of when we first opened our doors but what has not changed is our commitment to service, creative thinking and generating results.

Direct Marketing
Strategic planning and delivery of targeted direct marketing campaigns to generate a strong ROI

Data consultancy
Creative design and production
Print and digital

Tactical ad solutions or full multi media campaign planning, concept and execution
Print and digital media
Production and delivery to chosen media

Creative Design
From initial concept development through to finished production and delivery

Press, print and digital media
From corporate identity to point of sale

Experiential Marketing
Take your brand to the right people

Real world and virtual (augmented reality)
Exhibitions and shows
Guerrilla activity

Sales Promotion
Plan and execute activity in all channels to achieve tactical marketing objectives

From concept through to delivery and performance analysis
All media

Campaign Delivery
Creative design
On-line and off-line direct marketing channels
In-house studio production
Print buying and distribution logistics

Marketing performance

Marketing performance analysis
Customer value delivered by marketing channels
Cross channel marketing budget allocation
Optimising allocation of multiple brand propositions to individuals
Customer understanding
Propensity modelling
Response and value predictive models for home shoppers
Product affinity segmentation
Impact of contact density on consumer response
Using on-line browsing to predict purchase propensity


About us

Fulcrum is a dynamic, creative agency that specialises in developing and delivering engaging sales promotion, retail merchandise and on-brand promotional products.

From local sourced products to any marketing projects, we partner with leading consumer brands to develop merchandise to support the execution of their global sales and marketing strategies.

we provide our clients with the project management platform required to generate and deliver creative & Inspiring branded merchandise solutions, however simple or complex they may seem.

Through our unique combination of design talent, manufacturing scope, buying power and global distribution expertise, we can provide multi-territory fulfilment of creative products tailored to our clients’ exact requirements.

Experiential Marketing | Direct Marketing ideas jalgaon

Competitive Perceptual Positioning

Competitive Perceptual Positioning

Perceptual Mapping

Perceptual mapping is a graphic display explaining the perceptions of customers with relation to product characteristics.


Evaluate the concept of perceptual mapping as part of competitive perceptual positioning


Key Points

  • Perceptual maps help marketers understand where the consumer ranks their company in terms of characteristics and in comparison to competing companies.
  • Perceptual maps can display consumers’ ideal points that reflect their ideal combinations of product characteristics.
  • When creating a new product, a company should look for a space that is currently unoccupied by competitors and that has a high concentration of consumer desire (ideal points).
  • A perceptual map is usually based more on a marketer’s knowledge of an industry than market research.

Key Terms

  • demand void: Areas without any significant consumer desires; typically found in ideal point maps of perceptual mapping.
  • price elasticity: The measurement of how changing one economic variable affects others. For example:”If I lower the price of my product, how much more will I sell? “”If I raise the price, how much less will I sell? “”If we learn that a resource is becoming scarce, will people scramble to acquire it? “

Perceptual Mapping

Perceptual mapping is a diagrammatic technique used by marketers in an attempt to visually display the perceptions of customers or potential customers. Typically the position of a product, product line, brand, or company is displayed relative to their competition. Some perceptual maps use different size circles to indicate the sales volume or market share of the various competing products.

Perceptual Map Of Competing Products

Perceptual maps commonly have two dimensions even though they are capable of having several. For example, in this perceptual map you can see consumer perceptions of various automobiles on the two dimensions of sportiness/conservative and classy/affordable. This sample of consumers felt that Porsche cars were the sportiest and classiest of the ones in the study. They felt that Plymouth cars were the most practical and conservative. Cars that are positioned close to each other were seen as similar on the relevant dimensions by the consumer. For example, consumers saw Buick, Chrysler, and Oldsmobile as similar. They are close competitors and form a competitive grouping. A company considering the introduction of a new model will look for an area on the map free from competitors.

A perceptual map that shows car manufacturers based on conservative, classy distinctive, sporty, and practical affordable.

Perceptual Mapping: Perceptual mapping ranks companies based on customers’ perceptions of certain characteristics.

Perceptual Map Of a Consumer’s Ideal

Many perceptual maps also display consumers’ ideal points. These points reflect ideal combinations of the two product characteristics as seen by a consumer. This diagram shows a study of consumers’ ideal points in the alcohol product space. Each dot represents one respondent’s ideal combination of the two dimensions. Areas where there is a cluster of ideal points (such as A) indicates a market segment. Areas without ideal points are sometimes referred to as demand voids.

An ideal points map for the alcoholic beverage industry based on quaintness, social appeal, status, and individuality.

Ideal Points Maps: Ideal points maps reflect ideal combinations of two product characteristics as seen by a consumer. Marketers are able to accurately target their message to consumers based on consumer desires.

Combining the Competing Products and Ideal Points Maps

A company considering introducing a new product will look for areas with a high density of ideal points. They will also look for areas without competitive rivals. This is best done by placing both the ideal points and the competing products on the same map. This map displays various aspirin products as seen on the dimensions of effectiveness and gentleness. It also shows two ideal vectors. This study indicates that there is one segment that is more concerned with effectiveness than harshness, and another segment that is more interested in gentleness than strength.

A combination map of competing products and ideal points. It compares pain medications based on whether they are more or less effective and more or less gentle.

Combination Map: A combination map allows companies to find a space that has unmet consumer desires.

Intuitive Maps

Perceptual maps need not come from a detailed study. There are also intuitive maps (also called judgmental maps or consensus maps) that are created by marketers based on their understanding of their industry. The value of this type of map is questionable, as they often just give the appearance of credibility to management’s preconceptions. When detailed marketing research studies are done, methodological problems can arise, but at least the information is coming directly from the consumer. There is an assortment of statistical procedures (preference regression, multi-dimensional scaling) that can be used to convert the raw data collected in a survey into a perceptual map.

Some techniques are constructed from perceived differences between products, others are constructed from perceived similarities. Still others are constructed from cross price elasticity of demand data from electronic scanners.

Experiential Marketing
 Direct Marketing ideas jalgaon , Experiential marketing Work jalgaon, Product marketing firm jalgaon ,
On ground marketing jalgaon, shop marketing ideas jalgaon, door2door marketing Staff jalgaon,
BTL marketing Staff jalgaon , Field marketing Staff jalgaon, campus Marketing Staff jalgaon ,
multiplexes Marketing Staff jalgaon , mall Marketing Staff jalgaon ,
Business To Business marketing Staff jalgaon , Coupons Distribution Staff jalgaon

Experiential Marketing | Direct Marketing ideas jalgaon