Retail Marketing | engagement marketing Career Agripada

Our talented team know how to excite, inspire and engage. With backgrounds in events, entertainment and travel, we’re full of ideas for amazing prizes and unforgettable incentives!

At Fulcrum, we all come to work every day because we have a shared love of travel and delivering once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

Our team meetings are buzzing with fresh ideas, brand new experiences and glowing feedback from our travellers. We know what makes a great incentive, we have an encyclopaedic knowledge of the best experiences around the world, and we have an ever-expanding ‘little black book’ of the most exclusive suppliers in the business.

In addition to our creative ideas and experience, we know that our clients value our expertise and dedication to solving problems rather than creating them. Prizes and incentives are our world, but we understand that our clients have other priorities, so we make sure we’re delivering our ideas on-time, on-budget and on-brand. We thrive on tight deadlines, logistical challenges and creating perfectly tailored solutions, without the headaches!

About us

Perfect solutions every time
As a leading marketing Agency, we’re immensely proud to work with brands and agencies across a huge range of sectors and industries, giving us an unrivalled breadth of experience.

we have created and fulfilled prizes for promotions and activations across the world.

Our aim: help our clients achieve their goals through our experience and expertise, taking the stress and hassle out of prize fulfilment.

We work for both direct brands and agencies, often in collaboration or with other specialist agencies and partners. Many of our clients have existing assets – from festival tickets to sports hospitality – which we help them to build into the best possible prize packages. Others want to create unique, eye-catching marketing and btl content around their prize winners. We can deal with winners from any country and in any language; we can provide a full btl management service; we can even source camera crews for content capture.

Whatever your brief, we’ve got it covered.


Driving sales and performance through tailored, flexible incentive programmes

With pressure always on to drive sales and performance, sales incentives are an essential part of rewarding achievement within many companies. From internal staff reward programmes to dealer and channel incentives, there’s no better way to create a happy, engaged and motivated workforce.

Our main goal is to understand your people and what makes them tick. From hundreds in a call centre team to a small on ground sales team, a clear overview of your audience is the most important part of the process. By taking a best approach, offering maximum choice and flexibility, we create incentives which are targeted, effective and tailored to your team.

Whether it’s sales rewards, dealer incentives or channel incentives, drop us a line; we’d love to help you drive sales with our fresh and creative approach to prizes and incentives. From once-in-a-lifetime holidays to mini-breaks, high-street vouchers and designer goods, you can rest assured that with Fulcrum you’re in safe hands.

24 hour turnaround for urgent briefs
Topline ideas within 2 hours if needed
Competitive fixed quotes with no hidden costs
Expert Winner Management and Fulfilment

Retail Marketing | engagement marketing Career Agripada

Functions Performed by Channel Partners

8.3 Functions Performed by Channel Partners

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the activities performed in channels.
  2. Explain which organizations perform which functions.

Different organizations in a marketing channel are responsible for different value-adding activities. The following are some of the most common functions channel members perform. However, keep in mind that “who does what” can vary, depending on what the channel members actually agree to in their contracts with one another.

Disseminate Marketing Communications and Promote Brands

Somehow wholesalers, distributors, retailers, and consumers need to be informed—via marketing communications—that an offering exists and that there’s a good reason to buy it. Sometimes, a push strategy is used to help marketing channels accomplish this. A push strategy is one in which a manufacturer convinces wholesalers, distributors, or retailers to sell its products. Consumers are informed via advertising and other promotions that the product is available for sale, but the main focus is to sell to intermediaries.

Figure 8.12 A Push versus a Pull Strategy

Push (Manufacturer sells to Resellers who sell to consumers) versus a Pull (Manufacturer who sells to a consumer who sells to a reseller who sells back to a manufacturer) Strategy

The problem with a push strategy is that it doesn’t focus on the needs of the actual users of the products. Coca-Cola used a push strategy for years before realizing that instead of focusing on moving beverages through a retailer’s back door and into their warehouse, it needed to help them sell to shoppers through the retailer’s front door1. College textbook publishers are in a similar position today. Traditionally, they have concentrated their selling efforts on professors and bookstore managers. (Has a textbook company ever asked you what you want out of a textbook?) It’s no secret that the price of textbooks is climbing and students are purchasing fewer of them. Like Coca-Cola, textbook publishers are probably going to have to rethink their sales and marketing channel strategies (Blumenstyk, 2009).

Figure 8.13

Jeff Shelstad

Entrepreneurs Jeff Shelstad (pictured) and Eric Frank (not pictured) launched the publisher of this textbook. Shelstad and Frank believe they have found a way to add more value to the textbooks you buy. One of their strategies is to deliver their products via a marketing channel that’s different from those used to sell traditional textbooks.

By contrast, a pull strategy focuses on creating demand for a product among consumers so that businesses agree to sell the product. A good example of an industry that utilizes both pull and push strategies is the pharmaceutical industry. Pharmaceutical companies promote their drugs to pharmacies and doctors, but they now also run ads designed to persuade individual consumers to ask their physicians about drugs that might benefit them.

In many cases, two or more organizations in a channel jointly promote a product to retailers, purchasing agents, and consumers and work out which organization is responsible for what type of communication to whom. For example, the ads from Target, Walmart, and other retailers you see in the paper on Sunday are often a joint effort between manufacturers and the retailer. Coupons are another joint form of promotion even when offered directly by the manufacturer, joint in the sense that the retailer still has to accept the coupon and process it. The actual forms and styles of communication will be discussed more in the promotions and sales section of the book.

Sorting and Regrouping Products

As we explained, many businesses don’t want to receive huge quantities of a product. One of the functions of wholesalers and distributors is to break down large quantities of products into smaller units and provide an assortment of different products to businesses.

For example, cranberry farmers have large crops to sell. You don’t want to buy large amounts of cranberries, make your own juice or cranberry sauce, or dry them into craisins for salads. So the farmers sell their produce to a coop, which sorts the berries by size; large ones become craisins while others are destined to become either juice or sauce, depending on their liquid content. Those are then sold to the juice and sauce producers.

Storing and Managing Inventory

If a channel member has run out of a product when a customer wants to buy it, the result is often a lost sale. That’s why most channel members stock, or “carry,” reserve inventory. However, storing products is not free. Warehouses cost money to build or rent and heat and cool; employees have to be paid to stock shelves, pick products, ship them, and so forth. Some companies, including Walmart, put their suppliers in charge of their inventory. The suppliers have access to Walmart’s inventory levels and ship products when and where the retailer’s stores need them.

Storing and managing inventory is not just a function provided for retailers, though. Storage also involves storing commodities like grain prior to processing. Gigantic grain elevators store corn, wheat, and other grains until processors, like Oroweat, need them. You can buy fresh bread in your grocer every day because the wheat was stored first at a grain elevator until it was needed.

Video Clip

Warehouse Robots at Work

(click to see video)

Not all warehouses utilize humans to pluck products from shelves. Some of them use robots, as this video shows. Robots cost money, too, though.

Distributing Products

Physical goods that travel within a channel need to be moved from one member to another and sometimes back again. Some large wholesalers, distributors, and retailers own their own fleets of trucks for this purpose. In other cases, they hire third-party transportation providers—trucking companies, railroads, and so forth—to move their products.

Figure 8.14

A Walmart semi-truck

Walmart doesn’t just own its own warehouses. It also owns its own fleet of semi-trucks.

Being able to track merchandise like you can track a FedEx package is extremely important to channel partners. They want to know where their products are at all times and what shape they are in. Losing inventory or having it damaged or spoiled can wreak havoc on a company’s profits. So can not getting products on time or being able to get them at all when your competitors can.

Assume Ownership Risk and Extend Credit

If products are damaged during transit, one of the first questions asked is who owned the product at the time. In other words, who suffers the loss? Generally, no one channel member assumes all of the ownership risk in a channel. Instead, it is distributed among channel members depending on the contracts they have with one another and their free on board provisions. A free on board (FOB) provision designates who is responsible for what shipping costs and who owns the title to the goods and when. However, the type of product, the demand for it, marketing conditions, and the clout of the various organizations in its marketing channel can affect the contract terms channel members are willing to agree to. Some companies try to wait as long as possible to take ownership of products so they don’t have to store them. During the economic downturn, many channel members tried to hold as little inventory as possible for fear it would go unsold or become obsolete (Jorgensen, 2009).

Share Marketing and Other Information

Each of the channel members has information about the demand for products, trends, inventory levels, and what the competition is doing. The information is valuable and can be doubly valuable if channel partners trust one another and share it. More information can help each firm in the marketing channel perform its functions better and overcome competitive obstacles (Grazier, et. al., 2009).

That said, confidentiality is a huge issue among supply chain partners because they share so much information with one another, such as sales and inventory data. For example, a salesperson who sells Tide laundry detergent for Procter & Gamble will have a good idea of how many units of Tide Walmart and Target are selling. However, it would be unethical for the salesperson to share Walmart’s numbers with Target or Target’s numbers with Walmart. Many business buyers require their channel partners to sign nondisclosure agreements or make the agreements part of purchasing contracts. A nondisclosure agreement (NDA) is a contract that specifies what information is proprietary, or owned by the partner, and how, if at all, the partner can use that information.

Key Takeaway

Different organizations in a marketing channel are responsible for different value-adding activities. These activities include disseminating marketing communications and promoting brands, sorting and regrouping products, storing and managing inventory, distributing products, assuming the risk of products, and sharing information.

Review Questions

  1. Explain the difference between a pull and a push strategy when it comes to marketing communications.
  2. Why is taking ownership of products an important marketing channel function?
  3. Which firms manage inventory in marketing channels?

1“Bottling Success,”, September 1, 2006, (accessed December 12, 2009).


Blumenstyk, G., “Kaplan U.’s Catchy Ad Provokes a Question: Do Colleges Serve Today’s Students?” Chronicle of Higher Education, June 29, 2009, (accessed December 12, 2009).

Frazier, G. L., Elliot Maltz, Kersi D. Antia, and Aric Rindfleisch, “Distributor Sharing of Strategic Information with Suppliers,” Journal of Marketing, July 1, 2009, (accessed December 12, 2009).

Jorgensen, B., “Distributors’ Services Help Keep Customers Afloat,” EDN 54, no. 8 (April 23, 2009): 60.

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RWA Marketing Activity | Store marketing Agripada

We inspire the people who power your business.

No matter who you are and what you sell, the success of your business relies on your ability to engage with two critically important groups – the people who buy from you and the people who work for you. At Fulcrum, we create truly personalised incentive programmes that have the power to energize your business. Each Fulcrum initiative is designed around the specific interests and aspirations of your customers and your people. We engage and inspire the people that matter – the people who power your business.

Our Values
Client- centricity and the provision of quality service are key values. Providing a developmental and supportive marketing environment for our staff and recognising the importance of our suppliers are integral to our business ethic. Openness, honesty, transparency and a commitment to our community underpin everything we do.

Our Team
The heart and soul of what has made us so successful is our staff. It is their passion, commitment to quality and positive, can-do attitude that delivers outstanding performance to our clients and reinforces our reputation for service excellence.
From selection & recruitment through to training & development, we continually invest in our staff to ensure we have the right people, with the right skills to make sure that the job gets done right, first time.

Fulcrum has always aimed to be quality leaders in our industry. An impressive array of accreditations, for Quality, Environment, Security and Staff development are simply the kite-marks that demonstrate our core values in this respect.

Fulcrum Agencies
Over the years we have worked with agencies of all sizes and styles. We understand the hectic world of marketing and advertising and we have developed services specifically designed to adapt to short lead-times, changing needs, last minute requests and the occasional ‘sprint finish’.

With a long-history of providing services to retailers, whether major chains or small specialist outlets, it was a very easy step for us to adapt that to the on-line world. These days we can handle high-volume fulfilment for direct-to consumer on-line web-orders as we can easily provide retail replenishment and store refurbishment.

5 Reasons Why Experiential Marketing is a Must

Now that experiential marketing is a mainstream practice, everyone is talking about ways to take brand activations to the next level. Digital graffiti walls, virtual reality, geo-tracking: the world of experiential is limited only by one’s imagination. Experiential is proven to nurture long-lasting brand relationships with consumers of all kinds.

If you’re still on the fence about applying experiential techniques to your brand, here are five reasons why experiential marketing is a must:

1. Genuine Interaction

It doesn’t take a marketing genius to know that putting product in a consumer’s hands or creating a genuine interaction is worth its weight in gold. Think quality over quantity and understand that the traditional media buy method of reaching 100,000 people for $5.00 using web or print advertisements is about as impersonal as it gets. Engage face-to-face with 5,000 people and you’re much more likely to convert your audience to customers and brand advocates.

2. Pave a Two-Way Street

Traditional advertising is a one-way conversation where a brand dominates the narrative. Build dialogue with a two-way conversation that directly connects brands and engages with their consumers. Brand activations are designed with consumer engagement in mind. It creates a two-way conversation that allows the brand to build an emotional connection with the consumer and gain valuable insight to the consumer’s wants and needs.

3. Build a Buzz

A memorable experience creates collateral reach. By giving people something to see and feel, the likelihood they will share it with their friends and followers is higher than with traditional campaigns. According to Experiential Marketing: A practical guide to interactive brand experiences, S. Smilansky, 2009,people who undergo a live brand experience are likely to tell around 17 other people about that positive experience.  And those 17 people will relay the information to another 1.5 people. Traditional marketing methods simply can’t keep up with your buzzworthy splash!

4. Hit the Web Running

When paired with social media in-field activations can spread through the internet like wildfire, reaching an unlimited number of consumers. Experiential marketing is all about making consumers feel, and when consumers feel they want to share their experiences with their followers. Providing consumers with opportunities to share their experience like photo staging, contests, influencer meet & greet’s and #specialhashtags will only serve to amplify the effects of your experiential marketing campaign.

5. Make More Sales

Success often requires risks. If you’re like the rest of us then you’re constantly looking for ways to reach more consumers and generate better results.  Well, you need to think big – outside of the traditional marketing tool box.

Experiential marketing campaigns offer an enormous payoff compared to traditional marketing. Studies show great return on investment as well as excellent return on engagement for event marketing campaigns done right.

According to EventTrack’s 2015 survey, 49 percent of brands realize an ROI of between 3:1 and 5:1. Twenty-nine percent say their ROI is 10:1 and 12 percent say their ROI is 20:1. Sixty-five percent of brands see a direct link between sales and experiential marketing campaigns. That’s probably why 79 percent of brands expect to do more with experiential marketing this year, and the average increase in live event marketing budgets is six percent.




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house2house marketing organizations | Retail Marketing in pune

Fulcrum Marketing Services in Pune are the catalyst to bringing your advertising vision to life. While many ideas start in a boardroom, you need experienced marketers on the ground who are able to conceptualize, plan and execute a well thought-out marketing campaign in the field.

we supply the experience, connections, relationships, and knowledge needed to maximize the potential return on investment for each of our clients as well as help identify and pursue select market opportunities as they come available, house2house marketing organizations | Retail Marketing in pune. Our local insight allows us to create exceptional investment potential for our partners and clients and enhanced living experience for our residents.


We define and position apartment homes for success. We are passionate about the residential experience and the qualitative and quantitative points that drive us to make strategic decisions that inform what a home should be — specific to its marketplace.

Results are realized through both the speed of lease-ups and financial performance of the on-going stabilized investment.

We crunch the numbers, ask the questions, assess current trends and forecast future trends with detailed, up-to-date research to understand our markets; Ensuring our clients have the right data points to make the best decisions going forward.

What’s the experience living here? What’s the story and name of this place? Our experience and insight allows us to identify and position each project’s distinctive offerings as its market niche. We provide an understanding that goes deeper than looking at trends. We create sought-after, thoughtfully executed apartment communities that are compatible with their surrounding neighborhoods.

Overall success relies on a thoughtful marketing strategy. In a constantly changing environment, we develop and implement each marketing initiative specific to your audience and budget. Reaching consumers in a way that educates and informs; ultimately creating product desirability and excellent rates of return.



How to Prepare Brand Ambassadors For An Experiential Marketing Event

Start With Etiquette

Start off slow by going over basic etiquette rules with the team of brand ambassadors that are going to be working at your event. Every good brand ambassador will know they shouldn’t roll their eyes at guests, slouch, or cross their arms so they seem unapproachable. But, there are other etiquette rules that need to be discussed, especially when it comes to social media.

Do you want your brand ambassadors to post about the event on their social media accounts? If so, make sure you establish guidelines on what can and cannot be posted. For example, posting a selfie at the event with the brand’s hashtag is harmless. In fact, it’s free promotion. But, brand ambassadors shouldn’t post photos of themselves drinking alcohol at the event or tweet about how bored they are. You can’t control what they do or say while they’re not representing your brand, but there should be rules put in place over what they are allowed to post while they are on the clock.

Introduction to the Brand

A brand ambassador will not be able to represent your brand if they don’t know who you are, what you stand for, and what you are selling. Therefore, an important part of the training process is introducing brand ambassadors to your brand. Help them understand who you are selling to, what you are selling, and why your target audience will want to become customers. A brand ambassador doesn’t need to be able to rattle off all of the ingredients in every single one of your products. But, they should be informed enough to answer guests’ questions and speak confidently about the products or services that you are offering.

You should also make sure the brand ambassadors know what kind of personality your brand has so they know how they should communicate with guests at the event. Should they be bubbly and outgoing when approaching customers? Or would you rather them be serious and professional? These are the questions that need to be answered during training so brand ambassadors know how to conduct themselves during the event.

Media Relations

Another topic that may need to be covered as you prepare brand ambassadors for the event is media relations. If you are planning a small and intimate event, there may not be a need for media relations training. But, if you are inviting influencers and journalists to cover the event in order to increases brand awareness; this is an important part of the training process.

Go over some of the key points that you want brand ambassadors to mention when talking to members of the press. For instance, let’s say you are launching a new food product that is organic, gluten-free, and non-GMO certified. In this case, the three main points that should be mentioned in every media interview are:

  • The product is organic.
  • The product is gluten-free.
  • The product is non-GMO certified.

Don’t give brand ambassadors scripts to memorize. Even the best brand ambassadors will sound rehearsed when they have to read from a script when speaking to the media. Instead, focus on making sure they understand the key points that you want to get across. Ask them to answer the questions as naturally as possible while still incorporating these key points.

Responsibilities During the Event

Every brand ambassador should show up to the event knowing exactly what they are going to be doing that day. Make this happen by going over everyone’s responsibilities before the event. For example, assign a few brand ambassadors to the entrance of the event so they can greet customers and help them find what they’re looking for when they arrive. These brand ambassadors should be very familiar with the layout of the event and the different activities that are going on. They should also know about parking, restrooms, and other general information that people tend to ask whoever is standing by the entrance. The responsibilities of this type of brand ambassador are different than those of a brand ambassador who is stationed around the product demo area. That’s why it’s so important to go over roles and responsibilities ahead of time.

Role Playing

A strong brand ambassador knows how to communicate with guests at the event and keep them engaged in conversation. At the end of the training program, test your brand ambassadors’ skills by doing role playing exercises where you pretend to be a guest or member of the media at the event. Doing this exercise will allow you to see how much of the information the brand ambassadors absorbed during their training. Do they remember the key talking points for the media? Are they asking guests to fill out a contact form so you can capture leads at the event? Take mental notes during the exercise—or have someone else stand back and watch—so you can help your team improve before the event.

Work with Factory 360 on your next experiential marketing event so you don’t have to take on the task of recruiting, hiring, and training brand ambassadors. We work with a highly trained and professional team of brand ambassadors that are eager to represent your brand and connect with guests at events. To learn more about our services, contact us today to schedule a free consultation.


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marketing Supplier in Dharavi


WHAT IS FIELD MARKETING? Field marketing and marketing Supplier in Dharavi is becoming more popular for companies in various industries. From food and beverage to consumer goods. It’s a tool that can be used to showcase latest products or services in a face to face environment with consumers. Furthermore companies recognise the importance of having brand ambassadors and reps on the ‘front line’ introducing the public to new innovations or delicious treats. This is done in the ‘field’; around shopping centers and in retail hot spots, expos and events, university campus’ and sport stadiums to name a few. Most campaign activities focus on customer facing roles including product demonstrations, direct selling and street training teams. However not all field marketing is consumer facing such as auditing and merchandising. Goals and outcomes of field marketing will differ from company to company. Some campaigns are designed to increase brand awareness or sales. While others may be to collect data and feedback about the product and its market. At Splatter we have all the tools necessary for the clients desired outcome to be achieved WHAT A FIELD MARKETING TEAM LOOKS LIKE. For successful field marketing campaigns companies might have dedicated teams within their business whose task it is to be creative and manage field marketing initiatives. However agencies are also on hand to support a campaign. By offering staff, management and infrastructure the client can focus on the more creative aspect of the campaign. A field marketing agency and  marketing Supplier in Dharavi tends to work in territories operating with reps within their own regions. Often overlooked by regional or national managers depending on the scale of the team. Although territory management is more important for wide scale national distributing business, smaller brands are recognising the importance of managing promotions on a more local scale using teams to promote, audit and sell in their regions.



As mentioned already, demo days are a popular tool of field marketing. These campaigns can stretch from as little as one week to 6 months however some are continuous and full time. For consumer goods this would mean having brand representatives in retail stores and around shopping centers, events or road shows. Finally The Brand Ambassadors are engaging with the consumer and showing them how the product or service works. This is important as it allows a potential buyer to get hands on experience and a feel of ownership of the product; most importantly the rep is also on hand to answers any questions the customer may have. Although a sell is great the main aim of a demo campaign is brand awareness. Food and beverage take a slightly differently approach. By handing out free samples and one off deals of their product around retail and events, consumers are getting a taste of the brands latest delicious treats and at the same time everyone loves free food! Sampling is a fun activation and is effective when bringing new products to the high street. Marketing Training Learn more about product demonstrations by checking out our in depth guide here.


Much like product demonstrations these campaigns have brand reps or ambassadors at the center of them. The difference is it’s more about the selling of the product. Sales rep might have targets to adhere to. Finally these campaigns are super effective during peak times when the difference in a sale or not can be having a knowledgeable brand rep in store. Product Demonstrations Learn more about what direct selling is in our guide here.


Auditing takes the reps out off the front line and away from the consumer. Auditing teams are used by marketers to monitor traditional marketing strategies that they put in place across retail. Most of all audits ensure that the brand is represented as it should be on shelves and around retail hot spots. Examples are; checking POS is as it should be across the territories, promotions advertised and running and paid spaces such as gondolas are set up. The data collected from the teams can be useful for the marketers to negotiate better future deals. In addition it also allows for mistakes to be rectified there and then by the reps. Splatter offer a live system that can be monitored by the client in real team meaning that red flags in the field can be dealt with instantaneously .Store Audits and Merchandising To learn more about Audits and merchandising view our guide here.


When it comes to guerrilla marketing the gloves are off. They are usually low budget campaigns but with the right imagination and ideas they offer up some unprecedented results. Furthermore the term ‘Guerrilla Marketing’ itself is used to refer to campaigns that surprise consumers in locations and ways they might not usually expect. For that reason the experience remains with the consumer.


Product Sampling To learn more about sampling work and what that involves view our guide here. WHO DOES WHAT? FIELD MARKETING REP: These guys and girls are the cream of the crop, they are masters of everything. Sometimes they may be conducting training sessions on major proportion for a retailers whole selling team. Another role they find themselves in are in is in the field collecting data and conducted audits. Finally everything in between including sales, merchandising, and working at events. Their primary concern is to drive brand awareness across their region through face to face with consumer and staff on a retail level. Read about what being a field marketing rep is all about here. FIELD MARKETING MANAGER: The field manager’s role is to oversee the field reps; it is their duty to ensure the field marketing campaigns achieves the clients intended goal. As the manager of all the region, they hold the responsibility of ensuring that all reps are trained and directed towards the client’s goals. In addition the field marketing manager will work closely with the clients marketing executives to align the marketing objectives and goals with team in the field. Finally they will then report the findings and feedback from the team. Read more about what being a field marketing manager entails here. BRAND AMBASSADOR/BRAND REP As we know by now the BA role is one of the most crucial in field marketing. Ultimately they are usually supplied by the marketing agency and are tasked with promoting and representing the client’s brand. This can work well within a University by hiring a student to represent the brand around campus; this is perfect for low budget campaigns as sometimes all it takes is giving the BA some products to show off. Some larger scale business’ use celebrities to endorse their product and services by making them the face of their brand using social media to promote to their following. Learn about the various roles within the Field Marketing industry are by reading our guide here. You can also join our team by signing up here. DO YOU NEED FIELD MARKETING? Field marketing as you have seen is a useful tool to accompany other traditional marketing strategies. For example a company might pay a huge amount of money for prime advertising spot during a major sports event. However if this is the case it is important for the brand to follow up with demos in stores. If there is a brand rep placed in store the following few days after the advertising campaign the customer is more likely to come over and ask some questions about the product. Another reason you might need field marketing is to ensure your budget has been well spent. After investing into a large scale in-store promotion campaign you want to ensure that it is implemented to the standard agreed with the retailer. Data can be collected by auditing teams and analysed to see if the money had been well spent. Furthermore it also gives opportunity for future campaigns to implemented with higher efficiency and success.      

marketing Supplier in Dharavi

Product Launches

About Us and Product Launch Our aim is to be your outsourced Field Sales Partner of choice. We work in partnership with our clients to Product Launch and  activate sales and deliver retail excellence. We do this through empowering our Field Sales teams with clear objectives, sense of purpose and effective technology, and measure our success by evaluating the return on investment. We believe our experience, our sales ability and the detailed processes we have in place ensure we successfully launch new products to the market. Our sector experience and data insights ensure we are calling on the right outlets to maximise return on investment during the critical launch phase. We have proven experience in launching challenger brands to the market along with well-established range extensions and completely new products. We believe Fulcrum is the field marketing agency best suited to owning the responsibility of launching your new product – why not give us a call to find out if we can help you?
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Product Launch and Distribution Drives

Fulcrum are experts in the field marketing arena when it comes to driving distribution of a new product launch and extending the distribution of well-established brands. Our experience is considerable both in the impulse/convenience and grocery channels and we are fully conversant in delivering a brand story to instil longevity for a brand.

Our Process

Explore At the start of a project, we collaborate closely with you to gather as much information as we can through: research, staff interviews, customer interviews, ideation sessions with your team, analysis of existing network, collection of existing brand standards and collateral, etc. We aim to achieve an intimate understanding of your company, your brand, your mission, and your desired message. Identify Our collection of information helps us shape our approach. With thorough understanding of brand and mission, we uncover the story to be told that will attract customers and differentiate from the competition. We define the challenges, goals and opportunities and share concepts that address these with the client to determine a direction. Solve Taking the determined direction, we tighten the concept, develop the components in detail, create prototypes, review samples, and make sure all needs are addressed. We check in with you every step of the way until all design and materials are approved. Implement We work closely with our subcontractors to ensure that the product is of best quality and delivered on time in a professional manner. We work with your staff to familiarize them with the tools created to make their jobs easier. Once installed, we evaluate performance and, if necessary, make adjustments and explore ideas for program enhancements going forward.

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B 2 C Marketing organizations in navi mumbai

Becoming Marketing Active: The Fulcrum Guide to Getting Started with Business Marketing –  In the first part of our guide to becoming marketing active B 2 C Marketing organizations in navi mumbai, we looked at some of the reasons that drive a business to start marketing (if you missed part one, check it out here). But once you’ve made the decision to embark on a marketing strategy for your business, what next? Where do you start and what steps should you take to ensure a smooth and successful process? As is so often the case in business (and life!), preparation is key. So before rushing into any kind of marketing, it’s important to take the time to plan, research and strategise for success. In order to create an effective marketing strategy, you need to develop a thorough understanding of your market, your competitors and your business itself. This means getting back to basics and equipping yourself with all the information you need to identify marketing activities that work for your brand. 1) Research your target market How much do you know about the target audience of your product or service? We’re not just talking about age, sex or occupation (though, of course, you need to know these too). To have the best chance of reaching your target market, you need to dig deeper and find out exactly what drives them towards purchase. What kind of triggers are they most likely to respond to? Which elements of the marketing mix have the most impact on them? How will your product or service benefit them? Understanding these aspects of your target audience will enable you to position and market your brand accordingly, so comprehensive market research is essential. It’s often easier (and more cost-effective) to outsource this type of research to a professional agency who will be better placed to obtain the information you need. 2) Analyse your competition In order to stay ahead of your competitors, you need to know who they are, what they’re doing and how they’re doing it. Once you’ve identified who your key business competitors are, look into the marketing methods they’re using and the way in which they have positioned their brand. What channels and platforms have they chosen to market their business? How are they promoting their brand and its products/services? Consider which elements are crucial to your own business and how you can position your brand in order to get ahead. 3) Define your objectives What do you want to achieve from your marketing activity? Whether it’s to increase your revenue, establish your business in a new market segment or improve brand awareness, setting clear, measurable marketing objectives is vital in understanding what steps need to be taken in order to achieve these goals. Make sure that each identified objective is specific (how much do you want to increase revenue by?), achievable (is it realistic?) and has a timeframe for accomplishment (are you aiming to achieve this goal in three months or a year?). You also need to make sure that your marketing objectives tie in with your overall business objectives. 4) Understand your business You may think you have a pretty good understanding of your business, but it’s surprising what insights can be achieved when you conduct a thorough SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats). Be rigorous, be meticulous, and above all be brutally honest. Is a lack of staff training letting your business down? Are your prices too high to compete in today’s market? Arming yourself with this knowledge is invaluable in developing a marketing strategy that leverages your company’s strengths and addresses those areas which need to be improved. In the next instalment of the Fulcrum guide to becoming marketing active, we’ll be looking at the raft of marketing channels available and helping you to identify which ones are best for your business. If you have something to share on this topic, why not get in touch? Leave your comments below…  

B 2 C Marketing organizations in navi mumbai

Product Launches

About Us and Product Launch Our aim is to be your outsourced Field Sales Partner of choice. We work in partnership with our clients to Product Launch and  activate sales and deliver retail excellence. We do this through empowering our Field Sales teams with clear objectives, sense of purpose and effective technology, and measure our success by evaluating the return on investment. We believe our experience, our sales ability and the detailed processes we have in place ensure we successfully launch new products to the market. Our sector experience and data insights ensure we are calling on the right outlets to maximise return on investment during the critical launch phase. We have proven experience in launching challenger brands to the market along with well-established range extensions and completely new products. We believe Fulcrum is the field marketing agency best suited to owning the responsibility of launching your new product – why not give us a call to find out if we can help you?
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Product Launch and Distribution Drives

Fulcrum are experts in the field marketing arena when it comes to driving distribution of a new product launch and extending the distribution of well-established brands. Our experience is considerable both in the impulse/convenience and grocery channels and we are fully conversant in delivering a brand story to instil longevity for a brand.

Our Process

Explore At the start of a project, we collaborate closely with you to gather as much information as we can through: research, staff interviews, customer interviews, ideation sessions with your team, analysis of existing network, collection of existing brand standards and collateral, etc. We aim to achieve an intimate understanding of your company, your brand, your mission, and your desired message. Identify Our collection of information helps us shape our approach. With thorough understanding of brand and mission, we uncover the story to be told that will attract customers and differentiate from the competition. We define the challenges, goals and opportunities and share concepts that address these with the client to determine a direction. Solve Taking the determined direction, we tighten the concept, develop the components in detail, create prototypes, review samples, and make sure all needs are addressed. We check in with you every step of the way until all design and materials are approved. Implement We work closely with our subcontractors to ensure that the product is of best quality and delivered on time in a professional manner. We work with your staff to familiarize them with the tools created to make their jobs easier. Once installed, we evaluate performance and, if necessary, make adjustments and explore ideas for program enhancements going forward.


Field Promotion, B 2 C Marketing organizations, B 2 C Marketing organizations, B 2 C Marketing organizations in pune, Fieldwork brand Promotion, Market selling, local selling branding, events promotional, campus branding advertisement, RWA branding advertisement, Market branding advertisement, B 2 C Marketing organizations in navi mumbai


B 2 C Marketing organizations in navi mumbai

Marketing and Sales companies B 2 C Marketing organizations in navi mumbai with high quality, ethical, outsourced sales through transparent and effective business programs. We have a team of marketing and sales professionals and trainers who are committed to ensure effective delivery of the message from the client to a prospective customer. Our specialty is tailor-fitting our service to suit each individual client’s needs, ensuring compliance and delivering ethical sales every single time. We are focused on compliant and ethical selling that puts the needs of the customer first and we value transparency, integrity, diligence and hard work to ensure that our employees, clients and customers all get the best experience possible. We look for long term investments, in both our employees and our clients to ensure quality in our work, and in the opportunity for growth potential and stability for all parties involved.


Door to Door Marketing

Face to Face Marketing

B 2 B Marketing

Field Marketing

Product Launches

About Us and Product Launch Our aim is to be your outsourced Field Sales Partner of choice. We work in partnership with our clients to Product Launch and  activate sales and deliver retail excellence. We do this through empowering our Field Sales teams with clear objectives, sense of purpose and effective technology, and measure our success by evaluating the return on investment. We believe our experience, our sales ability and the detailed processes we have in place ensure we successfully launch new products to the market. Our sector experience and data insights ensure we are calling on the right outlets to maximise return on investment during the critical launch phase. We have proven experience in launching challenger brands to the market along with well-established range extensions and completely new products. We believe Fulcrum is the field marketing agency best suited to owning the responsibility of launching your new product – why not give us a call to find out if we can help you?
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Product Launch and Distribution Drives

Fulcrum are experts in the field marketing arena when it comes to driving distribution of a new product launch and extending the distribution of well-established brands. Our experience is considerable both in the impulse/convenience and grocery channels and we are fully conversant in delivering a brand story to instil longevity for a brand.

Our Process

Explore At the start of a project, we collaborate closely with you to gather as much information as we can through: research, staff interviews, customer interviews, ideation sessions with your team, analysis of existing network, collection of existing brand standards and collateral, etc. We aim to achieve an intimate understanding of your company, your brand, your mission, and your desired message. Identify Our collection of information helps us shape our approach. With thorough understanding of brand and mission, we uncover the story to be told that will attract customers and differentiate from the competition. We define the challenges, goals and opportunities and share concepts that address these with the client to determine a direction. Solve Taking the determined direction, we tighten the concept, develop the components in detail, create prototypes, review samples, and make sure all needs are addressed. We check in with you every step of the way until all design and materials are approved. Implement We work closely with our subcontractors to ensure that the product is of best quality and delivered on time in a professional manner. We work with your staff to familiarize them with the tools created to make their jobs easier. Once installed, we evaluate performance and, if necessary, make adjustments and explore ideas for program enhancements going forward.


B 2 C Marketing organizations in navi mumbai


Field Promotion, B 2 C Marketing organizations, Fieldwork brand Promotion, B 2 C Marketing organizations in pune, Market selling, local selling branding, events promotional, campus branding advertisement, RWA branding advertisement, Market branding advertisement,


B 2 C Marketing organizations in pune

B2B Experiential Marketing – When does it work?

What is experiential marketing? On the rise in recent years, B 2 C Marketing organizations in pune and experiential marketing is all about customer interaction with your brand. It offers a unique experience with products or services, allowing customers to get a feel for how they would use it in their lives. For years marketers have been trying to get customers to use and trial their products. In this way it’s not a new concept; there have however, certainly been some innovative spins on how it’s done. Let’s look at experiential marketing, how it can work for B2Bs and some of the ways it can help build your brand.

Emotional + Experiential Branding = Experiential Marketing The two elements that underpin experiential marketing are emotional branding and experiential branding.

Emotional branding: is about building the relationship between your brand and customers. Promoting emotional benefits like brand trust, security and credibility as a result of engaging with your brand is crucial. Experiential branding: designs and creates interactions that are sensory in nature, which emotionally influences preferences, shaping brand perception, and influencing satisfaction and loyalty. An excellent experiential marketing campaign is able to fuse both elements seamlessly together. Experiential Marketing for B2Bs In recent years interest in B2B experiential marketing has grown and some of the initial hesitation surrounding it has been replaced with a working understanding, when to do it, and how it stimulates ROI. For B2Bs, experiential marketing is generally less obvious, with the focus often on services (for example) in place of B2C exciting product launches. Oftentimes the B2B budget is also stretched. However we are seeing marketers begin to recognise the potentials that the experience can offer consumers. “The success of brand experience within the B2C market has not gone unnoticed, and B2B marketers are waking up to the potential of brand experience. However, there is a long way to go before they catch up with their B2C counterparts.” – Graham Ede, Ion Group 3 Examples of B2B experiential marketing Location with B2Bs can be one of the major barriers, and while it may not be easy to do experiential marketing in quite the same way as B2C, there’s certainly room to employ some of the same principals. Creating sensory interactions that promote core feelings of trust, and awareness of your product or services is central to this. Fulcrum marketing in public spaces – Linked with experiential, some marketers use a form of Fulcrum marketing. They tend to hold this drive in places where there are high concentrations of business buyers. Branded promotional staff can offer business people the opportunity to enter in a promotion, or sign up to attend an event whilst promoting the benefits of the product.  demonstrations & reward – as part of a targeted marketing strategy, those in the IT space can offer information via webinar or video, which can showcase some aspects of the technology solution. Some marketing and web-based tools such as  offer a free trial period, together with online coaching via Skype. This allows the user to build confidence in using the tool, and to experience all of the benefits of the trial period. At the end of the trial period (7 days), the participant is given a report with feedback on how well they have used the tool. Then they are awarded a certificate. Surprises and games – Surprising customers by showing up where they least expect you, gifting them, or sending them a card is a way to provide an out of the box experience and drive brand awareness. Another option could be to exhibit at a partner’s event as IBM did. Their interactive stand came complete with a candy bar, and plasma screens which posted live tweets from event attendees. Digital technology such as apps and games are also opportunity areas, and while often costly, look set to become more widespread and affordable in future. Experiential marketing reflects the growing importance of emphasising emotions to build successful brands. Digital media offers expanding opportunities to offer such experiences. In the ever-competitive B2B marketplace, it’s no longer enough to rely on traditional modes for lead generation. B2B marketers need to consider the complete kit that is available to them including; social media, mobile, search, paid advertising, print, telemarketing and increasingly placing emotion at the heart of it all with an experiential approach.

B 2 C Marketing organizations in pune

Product Launches

About Us and Product Launch Our aim is to be your outsourced Field Sales Partner of choice. We work in partnership with our clients to Product Launch and  activate sales and deliver retail excellence. We do this through empowering our Field Sales teams with clear objectives, sense of purpose and effective technology, and measure our success by evaluating the return on investment. We believe our experience, our sales ability and the detailed processes we have in place ensure we successfully launch new products to the market. Our sector experience and data insights ensure we are calling on the right outlets to maximise return on investment during the critical launch phase. We have proven experience in launching challenger brands to the market along with well-established range extensions and completely new products. We believe Fulcrum is the field marketing agency best suited to owning the responsibility of launching your new product – why not give us a call to find out if we can help you?
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Product Launch and Distribution Drives

Fulcrum are experts in the field marketing arena when it comes to driving distribution of a new product launch and extending the distribution of well-established brands. Our experience is considerable both in the impulse/convenience and grocery channels and we are fully conversant in delivering a brand story to instil longevity for a brand.

Our Process

Explore At the start of a project, we collaborate closely with you to gather as much information as we can through: research, staff interviews, customer interviews, ideation sessions with your team, analysis of existing network, collection of existing brand standards and collateral, etc. We aim to achieve an intimate understanding of your company, your brand, your mission, and your desired message. Identify Our collection of information helps us shape our approach. With thorough understanding of brand and mission, we uncover the story to be told that will attract customers and differentiate from the competition. We define the challenges, goals and opportunities and share concepts that address these with the client to determine a direction. Solve Taking the determined direction, we tighten the concept, develop the components in detail, create prototypes, review samples, and make sure all needs are addressed. We check in with you every step of the way until all design and materials are approved. Implement We work closely with our subcontractors to ensure that the product is of best quality and delivered on time in a professional manner. We work with your staff to familiarize them with the tools created to make their jobs easier. Once installed, we evaluate performance and, if necessary, make adjustments and explore ideas for program enhancements going forward.

Field Promotion, B 2 C Marketing organizations, B 2 C Marketing organizations in pune, Fieldwork brand Promotion, Market selling, local selling branding, events promotional, campus branding advertisement, RWA branding advertisement, Market branding advertisement
