retailer marketing | Direct Marketing firm amravati

With so many new ways to reach your potential customer, it is essential to protect the integrity of your brand message”


Fulcrum has succeeded over 10 years by continually innovating providing clients with marketing services they need retailer marketing | Direct Marketing firm amravati. Our core work today is very different to that of when we first opened our doors but what has not changed is our commitment to service, creative thinking and generating results.

Direct Marketing
Strategic planning and delivery of targeted direct marketing campaigns to generate a strong ROI

Data consultancy
Creative design and production
Print and digital

Tactical ad solutions or full multi media campaign planning, concept and execution
Print and digital media
Production and delivery to chosen media

Creative Design
From initial concept development through to finished production and delivery

Press, print and digital media
From corporate identity to point of sale

Experiential Marketing
Take your brand to the right people

Real world and virtual (augmented reality)
Exhibitions and shows
Guerrilla activity

Sales Promotion
Plan and execute activity in all channels to achieve tactical marketing objectives

From concept through to delivery and performance analysis
All media

Campaign Delivery
Creative design
On-line and off-line direct marketing channels
In-house studio production
Print buying and distribution logistics

Marketing performance

Marketing performance analysis
Customer value delivered by marketing channels
Cross channel marketing budget allocation
Optimising allocation of multiple brand propositions to individuals
Customer understanding
Propensity modelling
Response and value predictive models for home shoppers
Product affinity segmentation
Impact of contact density on consumer response
Using on-line browsing to predict purchase propensity


About us

Fulcrum is a dynamic, creative agency that specialises in developing and delivering engaging sales promotion, retail merchandise and on-brand promotional products.

From local sourced products to any marketing projects, we partner with leading consumer brands to develop merchandise to support the execution of their global sales and marketing strategies.

we provide our clients with the project management platform required to generate and deliver creative & Inspiring branded merchandise solutions, however simple or complex they may seem.

Through our unique combination of design talent, manufacturing scope, buying power and global distribution expertise, we can provide multi-territory fulfilment of creative products tailored to our clients’ exact requirements.

retailer marketing | Direct Marketing firm amravati

What is Quantitative Research?

What is Quantitative Research?

Quantitative Research is defined as the systematic empirical investigation of social phenomena via statistical, mathematical or computational techniques. Its objective is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories and/or hypotheses pertaining to phenomena. At its core, quantitative research is used to identify patterns and predict behavior. This type of research is used in business, marketing and in social sciences such as psychology, economics, sociology, and political science, and, less frequently, in anthropology and history.

Quantitative research is generally conducted using scientific methods, which can include:

  • The generation of models, theories and hypothses
  • The development of instruments and methods for measurement
  • Experimental control and manipulation of variables
  • Collection of empirical data
  • Modeling and analysis of data

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retailer marketing | Direct Marketing firm amravati