Direct selling

Direct Selling

Direct  Selling

Fulcrum is the best marketing platform for bringing together the leading digital marketing competence with the best-in-class marketing solutions for direct selling and increasing slaes.

Methods of Direct Consumer Selling include:

Increase your brand sales

Sale at the manufacturer’s plant or head office

House to house selling

Sales by mail order method

Sales by opening own retail shops and outlets

Sales through advanced mechanical devices

Big businesses are adopting direct consumer selling method to reduce distribution costs because they have plentiful facilities to sell directly to their consumers. A manufacturer can sell goods to the consumers by opening his retail shop in mill’s site or by mail house to house selling or by engaging salespeople or by using advanced mechanical devices.

Direct selling
Direct selling
Direct selling


We Want to Hear About it

Please, let us know your name, email address, your website domain and a short briefing on what field you are looking for digital marketing solutions.

Contact Us : Offline Marketing Agency


