In Business for Yourself? Dont Stop Prospecting
No matter how times are for you currently, if you are a business owner, and you do not yet get 100% referral business for your products and /or services, you need to always be prospecting.
It is easy to forget about this in good times . (remember the robust real estate market in 2006 and early 2007?) I had never heard from a realtor or mortgage professional wanting sales training, for years until after the middle of 2007 when the housing market hit the skids. Suddenly, people wanted information about prospecting. They hadnt done any and NOW need help building their pipeline.
We see it quite often when times are good, a pipeline getting filled and moving forward is never the priority. Just assume that this is an ongoing, weekly activity.
Are you creating activities that pull your sales forward?
Are you finding potential prospective customers?
How are you moving these opportunities forward do you have a process in place?
Can you print out this pipeline and put it on your wall, or in your cube, which shows what activity you need to focus on next?
This is the science part of selling based on methodology. Business owners are often surprised when they learn now much of selling is based on planning and then working that plan.