10 Reasons You Should be Implementing Experiential Marketing Campaigns
1.) Use your activation as a content opportunity for your brand
You’re creating compelling content which can be shared throughout marketing channels and live on far past the event or activation itself.
2.) Let consumers experience your work with Experiential Marketing Activations
This is beginning giving them a better idea of who you are, what you do and how you do it. If you think that your brand can be stronger once it’s been experienced first hang, use Experiential as your opportunity to give potential customers a taste.
3.) Cut through the traditional marketing noise with Experiential Marketing
Creative, Authentic, and Original are words that come to mind when thinking of Experiential Marketing. Use all mediums available including Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook to broadcast your event and increase the impressions.
4.) Facilitate Authentic Interactions with Consumers Using Experiential Marketing
Having a product in the consumer’s hand is one of the best ways to get them to remember your product and generate brand loyalty. When we engage with individuals on a one-on-one level, in-person, they spend more time with your brand, your product and your message, creating a stream of brand advocates.
5.) Take the opportunity to do some Product Sampling at your Experiential Activat
6.) Action begets action in Experiential
Experiential Marketing leaves impressions with consumers and provides insight and opportunity for amplification on multiple marketing channels.
7.) Live experiences create positive feelings which set the stage for word-of-mouth sharing
8.) Build a two-way conversation with consumers
Engagement marketing and experiential are all built around the idea of encouraging consumers to participate and engage. This helps allow your marketing to evolve and improve, allowing consumers to provide insight and opinion on your products and services.
9.) See Bigger Results From Your Marketing Campaign
Success often takes risks, and if you want to see great results you need to think big and pursue your ideas.
10.) Experiential Marketing is fun.
Experiential Marketing is fun. It can take you out of your office, your comfort zone and teach you new things about your customers and team. Go ahead and try some experiential marketing for your brand today.