How to Open a Daycare in Ontario
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A daycare can be a great business idea for some parents who want to earn money while theyre at home. Daycare owners can generate decent cash and at the same time they can still have quality time with their kids. Even if there are also a lot of larger daycare centers, opening your own daycare in Ontario can be a great means to cater the needs of the people. On the other hand, remember that opening this kind of facility in Canada can be challenging too.
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It is actually regulated by the territorial and provincial government to assure quality and safety of care. Understanding the regulations in your area is the first thing that you need to know.
The Location
It is very significant to know if your area supports this type of business. To know this you need to contact daycare centers in your area. It is also very ideal to determine if there are a number of daycare centers in your area. If yes, it is surely that theres a chance for you to start one.
Registration and Licensing
Another important aspect of running a daycare in Ontario is to know if you need to register your business with government which is based on the number of kids you wanted to care for. There are some licensing laws that your province or territory provides, write down also the limits designed by local legislation. You can also choose to register later if you decide to expand your daycare business to accommodate more children.
Licensing Requirements
The next thing you need to know is the requirements for licensing. Make sure to have enough resources to meet the requirements needed by the local office. You may need to visit the website of your provincial ministry to determine the licensing information and daycare legislation.
Remember to research some other laws that may affect your capability to run a business. For an instance, remember to determine the health and safety standards, building codes, municipal zoning regulations and others.
Cost for Operation
Make sure to prepare budget for your operation cost, it can be standard business operating cost or renovation cost.
Employee salaries (If you decide to hire people that can help you run your business)
Charges for play equipments and toys
Administrative Cost (phone bills, bank charges, taxes, rent and utilities)
Before you run your own daycare in Ontario, it is not just about earning extra cash but you need to have the passion to care for children. It should be innate into yourself, one of the best characteristic that requires a daycare owner is patience and love of children. You need to have the right abilities to care for children
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