A variety of elements have been added throughout the book to aid your learning. These are described here.
Your Accessibility Toolkit
Throughout the content, we’ve identified elements that should be added to the Accessibility Toolkit you will be assembling as you keep reading. These elements will include links to resource documents and online tools, as well as software or browser plugins that you may need to install or introduce your staff to. These will be identified in a green Toolkit box like the following:
Technical Details
Though the book has been developed with much of the technical details of accessibility excluded, there are places throughout the content where important technical information has been included. These details are contained in the blue Technical boxes. It’s a good idea for those managing web accessibility efforts to be aware of some key technical elements of implementing digital accessibility, so they understand what technical staff should know.
Key Points
Important or notable information will be highlighted and labelled in Key Point boxes such as the one that follows. These will include “must know” information.
Try This
Try This boxes contain activities designed to get you thinking or to give you first-hand experience with something you’ve just read about.
Readings & References
Challenge Tests
These short tests are included throughout the chapters to help you reinforce what you are learning.
Activities include mostly self-reflection. If you would like to participate in discussions on the topics raised in these activities, you can enroll in the course on which this book is based: Digital Accessibility as a Business Practice.