Business Etiquette Tips

Business Etiquette Tips

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October 2, 2013 Ervin Quinto Business Tips Tags: business environment, business etiquette, business etiquette tips, business tips, comunication, meetings
Business etiquette is essential in the work place because employees who don’t respect each other can cause internal conflicts and delay the company’s progress; moreover, an employee who doesn’t know how to treat people may scare customers or business partners away, and in graver cases the employer risks litigation or being taken to court. To help you learn how to act in a business environment whether you’re an employee, an employer or simply someone who wants to start their own business, we have a few business etiquette tips that will come in handy.

Moreover, these business etiquette tips will help those going at job interviews, those going to important business meetings and they will generally improve your relations with other people. That doesn’t mean that you need to act formally with the street vendor or your friends, but rather know when and with whom to react this way. While indeed it may not reflect how people interact generally, the business world sometimes relies on nuances or details, and the wrong gesture can make all your hard work collapse in a few seconds. So here are our advices for you:

Everyone is relevant – Within the business environment every employee, from the CEO to the janitor, has a specific role and purpose in the company. Whether you’re above them or under them in matters of hierarchy, treating people with respect will get you respect, but treating them in a condescending manner, or in a cajoling manner even, will get you their contempt. You never know when you are going to have to work with a colleague, or ask for information from someone equal or under you. If you treat people politely and leave your personal opinions at home, the work environment will be much more pleasant, and things will get done more effectively.
Meetings when necessary – If you are responsible with calling on meetings, make sure you only do so when they are truly necessary. Take other people’s schedules into consideration, and don’t use your veto power to annul their work’s importance. Thus, set up meetings only when the team actually needs to discuss something and then act on that discussion; be sure to take their opinions and feedback into consideration and let them know they are useful; thank them for their collaboration and they will feel much more inclined to help you in the future and to work harder.
Good communication – A manager or director always needs to know how to communicate properly, but employees have to learn to talk amongst them as well. For example, when a colleague sends you an email or phones to ask for something, make sure you let them know you’re on it, even though it may take longer to respond. If someone asks a question that you think is irrelevant, don’t offend them by dismissing it directly; try to be polite and courteous, and explain why the matter is not useful at the moment. With small gestures like these, people won’t start avoiding you, and they will feel like they can talk with you.
Emails – Even if you are writing an internal e-mail, make sure you draft it carefully. Be careful about the way you present matters, and even about grammar and punctuation. Avoid sending useless, redundant or irrelevant emails because everyone’s time is precious and they shouldn’t waste it reading something that doesn’t help them at all. Make sure the content is always specific and avoid including unnecessary information. On a related note, respect your co-worker’s time always; for example, don’t interrupt them unless the matter is urgent.
Dress appropriately – Those working in an office should respect others and themselves by having an appropriate dress code. Even if you prefer wearing t-shirts and slippers in your free time, you need to wear a suit and tie at the work place. People will not take you seriously if you dress too casually, too provocatively, too unkempt; this is especially important if you have to deal with customers or business partners. While you may be the best in your line of work, nobody will take you seriously if you don’t dress well; on special occasions when you don’t know what to wear, remember that it is always better to overdress than to under-dress.
Be on time – Whether you have a leading position or not, giving a good example is always welcome. When you have a business meeting or other work-related business, be on time every time; so will your colleagues and partners, as this says a lot about the kind of business you do, and people will take you more seriously.
Politeness again – Never forget to say “please”, “thank you”, “you’re welcome” and all the other basics of polite interaction with people. Don’t raise your tone when someone says something you don’t agree with and don’t dismiss other people’s opinions. Respect people of other cultures and religions and treat them with the same respect as you do your own co-nationals.
These business etiquette tips will help you have a successful career; having the right connections and knowing the right people is important in all business departments, and with the right business etiquette tips you can have all that.

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