door to door sales consultant in mumbai

Face to Face Marketing and Door to Door Marketing 

Professional Qualified Sales Experts present products and services, calling on companies using our proven door to door sales consultant , door-to-door sales technique and door to door sales consultant in mumbai.

We convert potential customers to sustainable clients in the shortest space of time( door to door sales, door to door sales consultant ). Our professional teams interact with customers, educating them on our clients’ products/services, as well as generating immediate sales or leads with interested customers.

Marketing and advertising budgets have come under increasing pressure. door to door sales consultant and Door-to-door sales is a low cost distribution channel, and is an effective way to gain more return on investment. It secures increased value with minimum spend, allowing access to a customer base which is not always reached by existing marketing strategies.

Through Door to Door sales, customers can choose the most suitable deals, especially because they have a chance to ask questions and have the offering clarified by our qualified sales experts in mumbai

Door to Door Sales Agency 

We believe our experience, our sales ability and the detailed processes we have in place ensure we successfully launch new products to the market. Our sector experience and data insights ensure we are calling on the right outlets to maximise return on investment during the critical launch phase.

We have proven experience in launching challenger brands to the market along with well-established range extensions and completely new products.

We believe Fulcrum is the door-to-door-sales agency in pune best suited to owning the responsibility of launching your new product – why not give us a call to find out if we can help you?


Sales & merchandising
Shopper  & Retail Marketing 
Direct sales 
Sales promotion
Consumer sales promotions
Trade sales promotions
Promotions team

Product launches
Product sampling
Free Sampling Activities
Demonstration Activities

I did door-to-door sales for nine years, in hundreds of different cities and towns all across the india. Through long, hard, agonizing trial and error, I eventually developed enough skill that I could take any product into any area on any day and make sales.

In the beginning, I struggled. But when I was about to give up on myself and quit (like 99.9% of people that try door-to-door sales do within their first few days),  experienced salesperson to give me a chance to get on track.

What I saw that day changed my life forever.

I watched as the experienced salesperson drove to an area where he had previous sales success, and listened as he explained to me why he parked his car in the exact spot he did to start his day and laid out his exact plan of attack.
Within the first 10 minutes, I learned a valuable lesson that not only made my door-to-door sales career much easier, but has also been the key to bringing in millions of dollars in revenue for my own companies, and those of thousands of others I’ve consulted to:

A current customer is the easiest person to make a sale to – many, many times easier (and less expensive) than trying to get new customers.

Most business owners operate a risky, day-to-day, transactional business, believing that the reason for getting a customer is to make a sale. That’s their biggest problem: making nothing more than “a” sale to a customer. After that initial transaction, they simply hope that their product or service or location is good enough that they will get a repeat visit from that customer.

On the other hand, sharp business owners (and door-to-door salespeople!) know that the point to making a sale is to get a customer. We have systems put together to maximize the value of that customer by making future offers to them, so that they buy more of the same product or service, or a different version, or even an entirely different product or service.

In other words, we recognize that a current customer is the easiest person to sell to, and a prospect is the hardest and most-expensive person to sell to. Therefore, we concentrate on maximizing the value of every new customer we get.

If you want to grow your business during these challenging economic times (and even during boom times), your time and effort should be invested in working to turn prospects into customers and retain them to market to in the future.
While your marketing is doing its job to get you prospects, you need to be working on turning those prospects into customers. There are a few key ways to draw them in and seal the deal. You need to be:


The biggest fear of most new customers is the dreaded “buyer’s remorse.” You want to minimize this as best you can, and if you’ve provided a quality product or service that delivers on the marketing claims you’ve made, the risk will be lower.

However, returns can still occur. Here are the two most effective ways to deal with this:

Offer to refund money — no questions asked
Offer a bonus they can keep even if they return the product

These offers alone will also lessen the impact of buyer’s remorse, because the customer will trust you more just because you showed the confidence in your product or service to offer these options in the first place.

There are number of other ways to turn a prospect into a customer:

Offer a special price as an opportunity for them to test the market.
Offer a lower price with a legitimate reason, such as clearing out inventory to pay a tax bill, for your kid’s braces, or another tangible reason. (Added bonus: Customers love you for doing this, because it makes you so much more human to them.)
Offer a referral incentive.
Offer a smaller, less expensive entry-level product to build trust.
Offer package deals.
Offer to charge less for their first purchase if they become a repeat customer.
Offer extra incentives, such as longer warranties or free bonuses, if they order by a certain date.
Offer financing options, if applicable.
Offer a bonus if they pay in full.
Offer special packaging or delivery.
Offer “name-your-own-price” incentives.
Offer comparative data or other comparison tools.
Offer to let them trade up or upgrade to something better if they want.
Offer additional, educational information to help them make the decision.

The options are really only limited by your imagination and marketing skill. You can use these or other ideas to discover what works the best for your specific business, with your specific products, services and target market.

Even if you ever find yourself doing door-to-door sales.


marketing sales training in pune

Sales Management

Definition: Sales Management

Sales management is a business discipline which is management of a firm’s sales operations and focused on practical applications of techniques used in sales. This is a crucial aspect of the business as net sales of products and services draw profit of the business. Sales manager is hired to look after the sales and to manage them.

It is attainment of sales in an efficient and effective manner and all the activities involved in sales are managed. Sales Management’s ultimate goal is to attain sales objectives of company.

Sales Management involves various activities like-

• Formulation of sales strategies like account management policies, sales force compensation policies, sales revenue forecasts, and sales plan

• Implementation of those strategies

• Sales Research, Price fixation, Establishing sales territories and co-ordination of sales

• Sales techniques required

• Hiring staff, setting goals, regular monitoring


Sales Management is the most crucial and determining factor in any business enterprise. It is important to meet competition and to make efficient and economic distribution system to reduce costs. It is also important when new product to be launched and when distribution costs to be reduced.



What is Brand Awareness ?

Brand awareness is the probability that consumers are familiar about the life and availability of the product. It is the degree to which consumers precisely associate the brand with the specific product. It is measured as ratio of niche market that has former knowledge of brand. Brand awareness includes both brand recognition as well as brand recall. Brand recognition is the ability of consumer to recognize prior knowledge of brand when they are asked questions about that brand or when they are shown that specific brand, i.e., the consumers can clearly differentiate the brand as having being earlier noticed or heard. While brand recall is the potential of customer to recover a brand from his memory when given the product class/category, needs satisfied by that category or buying scenario as a signal. In other words, it refers that consumers should correctly recover brand from the memory when given a clue or he can recall the specific brand when the product category is mentioned. It is generally easier to recognize a brand rather than recall it from the memory.

Brand awareness is improved to the extent to which brand names are selected that is simple and easy to pronounce or spell; known and expressive; and unique as well as distinct. For instance – Coca Cola has come to be known as Coke.

There are two types of brand awareness:

1. Aided awareness- This means that on mentioning the product category, the customers recognize your brand from the lists of brands shown.

2. Top of mind awareness (Immediate brand recall)- This means that on mentioning the product category, the first brand that customer recalls from his mind is your brand.

The relative importance of brand recall and recognition will rely on the degree to which consumers make product-related decisions with the brand present or not. For instance – In a store, brand recognition is more crucial as the brand will be physically present. In a scenario where brands are not physically present, brand recall is more significant (as in case of services and online brands).

Building brand awareness is essential for building brand equity. It includes use of various renowned channels of promotion such as advertising, word of mouth publicity, social media like blogs, sponsorships, launching events, etc. To create brand awareness, it is important to create reliable brand image, slogans and taglines. The brand message to be communicated should also be consistent. Strong brand awareness leads to high sales and high market share. Brand awareness can be regarded as a means through which consumers become acquainted and familiar with a brand and recognize that brand.





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A Friendly Reminder: Salespeople are Knowledge Workers?


Why do I bother you with a seemingly philosophical question at a time where things get tough and you need to stretch yourself more than ever to make your numbers? Because it is about your people. Your most valuable assets. It is through them that you will get the results. But in tough business conditions managers tend to focus on the results and put people second. I hope to make the case that your ability to improve the productivity of your sales teams depends a lot on how you see your people and treat them accordingly.

What is a knowledge Worker?

From “The Definitive Drucker” by Elizabeth Haas Edersheim we learn that the late Peter F. Drucker coined the term “Knowledge Worker” in the late 1950s. This was his term to describe white collar workers whose primary task is interpretation, translation and problem solving; so using gray matter, rather than muscles..

Does this definition apply to Sales People?

Are salespeople not interpreting a customer situation, translate this into a solution based on their offerings and thus solving customer problems? Do we not also recommend to sales people to work smarter by using gray matter, instead of working harder. If we can agree on this, then the next question to ask is:

How do you manage Knowledge Workers?

You don’t; you lead them. According to Haas Edersheim, Peter Drucker was a strong advocate that Knowledge Workers should be given autonomy rather than control.They need to be given guidance and perspective. Then one best goes out of their way letting them to asses and direct their own efforts to take responsibility for their results, unless they ask for help. Getting out of the way does though not mean that the Knowledge Worker’s autonomous behavior does not needs to be closely monitored. Drucker also gives us some hints what to monitor. Knowledge Workers should not be measured on efficiency but on effectiveness. If we need a definition for those two terms: Efficiency is doing the things right, whereas effectiveness is doing the right things. How this relates to sales is well explained in “Sales Force Performance” by “Andris A Zoltners et al.

Is this the way salespeople are managed?

Chances are high that is not. Over the last years, CRM systems were introduced, forcing people to follow a rigid sales process. These systems are also more focused on measuring efficiency. Activity Management as an example is one of the core elements of CRM systems and it plays into the hands of those who believe that you can only manage what you can measure. I am an engineer by profession and I remember Einstein’s quote: “Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted”. Now this is true for physics but I think it also applies to management.

Is your CRM systems hindering you to treat salespeople as Knowledge Workers?

Not really, if you understand it as an instrument helping you to inspect what you expect. You don’t even have to initiate a major technology overhaul for your system to support this philosophy. Some tweaking by a system administrator and some new rules on how to handle the sales process will do the job with most systems.

Sales Management needs an overhaul?

I probably have angered many result oriented command and control managers with what I said. The facts though seem to speak against keeping status quo. If you follow CSO Insights work over the years, not much progress has been made in sales effectiveness. Maybe we should therefore accept that expecting different results from continuing doing the same thing is irrational to put it mildly.

Especially in harsh times with dried up pipelines it is probably better to accept that there are momentarily fewer buyers and to find ways to get more out of what you have. This means focusing on effectiveness instead of thinking about efficiency measures how your people can get more actions into a day. Look at your stars or eagles or whatever else you call your best sales people. Aren’t they usually exceeding their quota with fewer opportunities in the pipeline than your average performers.

In his research carried out in the late 1980s, observing sales people involved in major sales, Neil Rackham also did not find a strong correlation between activity and results. . The focus on effectiveness is thus nothing particularly new. So why are we still struggling to accept this? In “Managing Major Sales” Rackham is telling about the harsh reaction he caused by his findings with the sales trainers of the time. Given the number of managers still focusing on measuring activities and other efficiency metrics, I cannot help to think that opponents to Rackham must still be numerous and active spreading the opinion hat “Selling is Selling” irregardless of the context.

To conclude, I would like to recommend to you to consult the post ‘The “Blue Collar” Sales Person’ by Will Fultz, a fellow Blogger I appreciate very much for his effort giving us first hand views directly from the front line.



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